中国共産党のプロパガンダ紙、環球時報 サウジアラビアのSalman政権との戦略的親密性を強調して Xi commits unwavering cooperation in phone call with Saudi king Salman Source:Xinhua Published: 2017/11/17 2:22:55 習近平総書記は電話会談で、サウジアラビアのSalman王への不動の支持を表明
China's determination to deepen strategic cooperation with Saudi Arabia will not waver, no matter how the international and regional situation alters, Chinese President Xi Jinping told Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud in his phone conversation with the ruler Thursday.
"We are confident of leading the Chinese people toward the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation," Xi said.
Remarking on the importance of maintaining close communication between the two countries' heads of state, Xi said China and Saudi Arabia were comprehensive strategic partners with deepening strategic mutual trust and win-win cooperation.
China supports Saudi Arabia's efforts to safeguard national sovereignty and realize greater development, the Chinese president said. China is also willing to work with Saudi Arabia to deepen strategic cooperation, advance the strategic integration of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Saudi Vision 2030 plan, and conduct cooperation in a variety of areas through the China-Saudi Arabia High-level Joint Committee, Xi said.
King Salman said the Saudi Arabia-China relations have achieved significant development.
[録音:斤やアダムスのスポークスマン] "As President Trump stated yesterday、 「President Xi recognizes that a nuclear North Korea is a grave threat to China、 and we agreed that we would not accept a so-called" freeze for freeze "agreement like those that have consistently failed in the past " (後略)
The last two weeks have seen some significant movement in Democrats favor. First, there were the impressive results from last Tuesday's elections. This week, we’ve seen two polls ? one by Quinnipiac and one by Marist ? that show Democrats with a congressional ballot advantage of +13 to +15. Three other recent polls ? ABC/Washington Post, Fox, and NBC/Wall Street Journal ? show Democrats with an advantage of anywhere from +7 to +15. These are political wave numbers. 過去二週間で民主党にとって有利な動きがあった。まず先週木曜の下院補選で 民主党が勝利、今週に入って2つの世論調査(Quinnipiac とMarist)が議会 の議員選挙で民主党が+13 to +15ポイント優位と発表し、他の三つの世論調査 ( ABC/Washington Post, Fox, NBC/WSJ)は民主党が+7 to +15ポイント優位 と発表した。これらは政治的な波といえよう(後略)
Modi’s vision for India can be boiled down to strengthening the country in three ways. The first is strengthening the central government. Modi wants to unify all of India around a set of policies and to enforce those policies in an equitable way, for the benefit of both Indian citizens and foreign investors. The second is strengthening India’s military. Modi wants India to be strong not only on the Indian subcontinent but also in what India has taken to calling the “Indo-Pacific” region. The third is strengthening Indian society. India is a vast collection of religions, ethnicities and languages. Modi doesn’t view this diversity as an advantage. He is a Hindu nationalist, and he wants India to be a nation-state with a uniquely Hindu identity.
Can India become a unified country, or is it destined to remain an unruly union of different peoples whose first loyalty is not to New Delhi, but to their own region, state, tribe or God? The latter is the more likely scenario; Modi represents an ephemeral phase of consolidation, but the country will return to its fractious reality. But there is enough evidence mounting to stop and consider what the less likely scenario might look like. It is one in which India is very strong, indeed.
IF THERE was a defining economic problem for America as it recovered from the financial crisis, it was stagnant wages. In the five years following the end of the recession in June 2009 wages and salaries rose by only 8.7%, while prices increased by 9.5%. In 2014 the median worker’s inflation- adjusted earnings, by one measure, were no higher than they were in 2000. It is commonly said that wage stagnation contributed to an economic anxiety in middle America that carried Donald Trump into the White House.
Yet Mr Trump’s rise seems to have coincided with a turnaround in fortunes for the middle class. In 2015 median household income, adjusted for inflation, rose by 5.2%; in 2016 it was up by another 3.2%. During those two years, poorer households gained more, on average, than richer ones. The latest development?one that will be of particular interest to Mr Trump?is that blue-collar wages have begun to rocket. In the year to the third quarter, wage and salary growth for the likes of factory workers, builders and drivers easily outstripped that for professionals and managers. In some cases, blue-collar pay growth now exceeds 4% (see chart).
トランプ米大統領は北朝鮮をテロ支援国家に指定すると発表した。制裁を強化し、国際 社会からの孤立化を強める。 トランプ大統領はホワイトハウスでの閣議入りを前に、財務省が21日に「非常に大規模 な」追加制裁を発表すると述べた。金正恩体制による数々の危険で悪意に満ちた行為に 合致する決定だと、国務省当局者は明らかにした。 トランプ大統領は「米国はこの日、北朝鮮をテロ支援国家に指定する」と述べ、「もっ と前に指定しておくべきだった。何年も前にするべきだった。北朝鮮は核兵器による破 壊行為を示唆して世界を脅すだけではなく、国外での暗殺など国際的なテロ行為を幾度 となく支援してきた」と話した。 原題:Trump Says U.S. Is Labeling North Korea a Sponsor of Terror (1)(抜粋)
Song Tao, the special envoy of Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, and head of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, wrapped up his visit to North Korea on Monday. Song briefed the North Korean side on the 19th National Congress of the CPC, which was held last month, and had an extensive discussion with leaders of the Workers' Party of Korea Central Committee about party-to-party relations and Korean Peninsula affairs.
Pyongyang highly praised the achievements of the 19th National Congress of the CPC. The two sides agreed to enhance party-to-party exchanges and bring the relations of the two countries forward.
Both sides have sent positive signals about party-to-party relations, as well as signs that the relationship of the two countries is at a low ebb. Pyongyang seems to be sending a message to the international community that it will not change its stance on the nuclear issue under pressure of UN sanctions. (略) The escalating confrontation between Washington and Pyongyang has consumed both sides. The US stressed that all options are on the table, but it faces impossible choices if it resorts to force. Some even believe Washington does not have the option of launching a preemptive military strike against North Korea. Therefore, seeking a diplomatic breakthrough is an urgent task for Washington.
As for Pyongyang, dragging the nuclear crisis indefinitely does no good. Making moves to end international sanctions is far more rational than continuing its nuclear and missile program.
If we view Song's North Korea visit against this background, its strategic significance will prove to be multidimensional. The visit has consolidated China-North Korea ties and guided all sides to think about the peninsula situation.
他の私的な会合でも、トランプ氏をたびたび批判しているもようで、安全保障について 理解する能力がないと不満を述べていたという。ホワイトハウスは今回の報道を否定し ている。 ティラーソン国務長官もトランプ氏について「まぬけ」と発言し、辞意を漏らしたと報 道されたことがある。(共同) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: McMaster Mocked Trump’s Intelligence At A Private Dinner At dinner at a lobbying hotspot with a powerful tech CEO, the national security adviser said the president has the intelligence of a “kindergartner,” according to sources. Oracle and the Trump administration deny the comments. Posted on November 21, 2017, at 2:05 a.m. Joseph Bernstein BuzzFeed News Reporter
トランプ陣営が今年負担した法務費用は既に200万ドル(約2億2500万円)を超え、ロシ ア疑惑捜査に関連した支払いやトランプ・ジュニア氏への28万7924ドルなどが含まれて いる。これとは別に、共和党全国委員会はトランプ・ジュニア氏の弁護士、アラン・フ テルファス氏に16万6527ドルを9月に支払っている。同党の連邦選挙委員会への直近の 届け出で明らかになった。 ロシア疑惑の捜査は来年も続く見通しで、法務費用はさらに膨らむ可能性がある。トラ ンプ陣営には2020年までの間に一人当たり調達できる資金に上限が設けられているが、 法的防衛目的の基金にはそうした制限がない。 原題:Trump Campaign Is Said to Stop Paying Donald Jr. Legal Bills (1)(抜粋)
メルケル首相の連立政権構想の失敗について、シュピーゲル記事 Collapsed Coalition Talks What's Next for Merkel and Germany? German Chancellor Angela Merkel's attempts to assemble a governing coalition collapsed on Sunday night. Much of the blame is falling on the shoulders of the business-friendly Free Democrats, but what happens next? c Christian O. Bruch/ laif By Severin Weiland メルケル首相とドイツにとって、次は何か
●'A Day of Deep Reflection' ●More Unyielding ●Deep Mistrust
The Greens were apparently even willing to accept demands from the CDU and CSU to recognize Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco as "safe countries of origin," a necessary designation to allow deportations to those countries. But CSU representatives then told reporters that FDP head Lindner was unwilling to accept the compromise.
It was a sign of the mistrust between the FDP and the Greens. Indeed, the FDP was even skeptical of allowing the Greens to take over the Foreign Ministry portfolio in the event of a coalition, worried that the party would try to use the position to circumvent a hard-cap on immigration. "Unfortunately, there is a lot of mistrust," Kubicki recently told SPIEGEL ONLINE. The Greens wouldn't argue. For weeks, the party had felt that the FDP wasn't really interested in a Jamaica coalition. On Sunday night, Jurgen Trittin said of Lindner's retreat: "The party did what it had been planning to do since Thursday."
But it wasn't just the Greens who were critical of the FDP. A conservative member of Merkel's parliament who asked not to be identified told journalists on Sunday night that the CDU, CSU and Greens had reached agreement on a compromise on immigration and family reunification. "As soon as the FDP learned of it," the cabinet member said, "they ran away." Germany Is Europe’s Newest Problem JUDY DEMPSEY The collapse of coalition talks in Berlin will have serious repercussions for the rest of the EU. November 20, 2017
Governing the country is one thing. Leading it?with a compass and projecting new ideas?is another. What happens over the next few hours or days is anyone’s guess. One thing is certain: Europe is weaker and Germany has become unpredictable.
Eventually, the professor called him. He had left for a six-figure salary at Apple.
“He was offered such a huge amount of money that he simply stopped everything and left,” said Maja Pantic, professor of affective and behavioural computing at Imperial. “It’s five times the salary I can offer. It’s unbelievable. We cannot compete.”
Many of the best researchers move to Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple.
フランスの頭脳流出 De plus en plus de jeunes quittent la France
Une étude que « Le Monde » a pu consulter, montre que l'expatriation a augmenté de « 3 % à 4 % par an », en dix ans. Les entreprises parlent de « fuite des cerveaux ».
このほか、低金利の長期間継続による資産バブルへの懸念も示された。議事録では、幾 人かの参加者は「金融不均衡が強まっている可能性について懸念を表明した」とし、資 産価格が急激に反転すれば、経済に悪影響を及ぼし得ると指摘した。 原題:Fed Signals December Hike Even as Debate on Prices Persists (1)(抜粋)
Here’s what some analysts said about the selling by investors: Steven Leung, executive director at UOB Kay Hian (Hong Kong) Ltd. The plunge in China’s bond market is driving mainland stocks lower, especially financial-related shares. Most A-share investors believe there will be further tightening in financial markets. Investor sentiment has been quite cautious in China, even though Hong Kong kept hitting a 10-year high. There’s a lack of further momentum "But I’m not too worried about the downside, because when China said it would control asset management products, markets fell a lot but we saw some bottom fishing"
Wang Chen, Shanghai-based partner with Xufunds Investment Management Co. Bond market volatility has definitely spilled over to stocks amid tight liquidity conditions toward year-end. Investments in blue chips were overcrowded and a lot were bought with margin financing, so a stock market tumble is inevitable Some investors might have been taking profit this morning, and that turned into a selling stampede in the afternoon It’s not a good time for the “national team” to step in because it wouldn’t make much difference. Big-cap valuations are high and buying smaller caps won’t prop up the market. Regulators might give window guidance to big institutions to net buy stocks to ensure market stability toward year-end
Castor Pang, head of research at Core-Pacific Yamaichi HK The bond yield is rising too fast and triggered worries in the market, reflecting how tight the liquidity supply is. Investors rushed from bonds, triggering the rise in yields, which are negative for corporate profits as their financing costs will increase “That’s very bad news for the stock market. The impact of such a rapid bond yield increase is similar to that of an interest rate hike” Cash is now king on the mainland “National team” probably won’t step in as the market isn’t in a panic and is at least in order. Investors are closely watching whether the central bank will conduct some capital injections to ease liquidity tightness if bond yields continue rising(後 Exclusive: Manafort flight records show deeper Kremlin ties than previously known BY PETER STONE AND GREG GORDON NOVEMBER 27, 2017 05:00 AM UPDATED 1 MINUTE AGO トランプ選挙キャンペーンの前議長のPaul Manafortのモスクワへの飛行記録が解明され 彼のクレムリンとの連携は、これまで想定されていたもの以上であることが判明
WASHINGTON Political guru Paul Manafort took at least 18 trips to Moscow and was in frequent contact with Vladimir Putin’s allies for nearly a decade as a consultant in Russia and Ukraine for oligarchs and pro-Kremlin parties.
Even after the February 2014 fall of Ukraine’s pro-Moscow President Viktor Yanukovych, who won office with the help of a Manafort-engineered image makeover, the American consultant flew to Kiev another 19 times over the next 20 months while working for the smaller, pro-Russian Opposition Bloc party. Manafort went so far as to suggest the party take an anti-NATO stance, an Oppo Bloc architect has said. A key ally of that party leader, oligarch Viktor Medvedchuk, was identified by an earlier Ukrainian president as a former Russian intelligence agent, “100 percent.”
What’s now known leads some Russia experts to suspect that the Kremlin’s emissaries at times turned Manafort into an asset acting on Russia’s behalf. “You can make a case that all along he ...was either working principally for Moscow, or he was trying to play both sides against each other just to maximize his profits,” said Daniel Fried, a former assistant secretary of state who communicated with Manafort during Yanukovych’s reign in President George W. Bush’s second term.
“He’s at best got a conflict of interest and at worst is really doing Putin’s bidding,” said Fried, now a fellow with the Atlantic Council. A central question for Justice Department Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller and several congressional committees is whether Manafort, in trying to boost Trump’s underdog campaign, in any way collaborated with Russia's cyber meddling aimed at improving Trump’s electoral prospects.
Government investigators are examining information they’ve received regarding “talks between Russians about using Manafort as part of their broad influence operations during the elections,” a source familiar with the inquiry told McClatchy. (後略)
The report by the New York Times that Michael Flynn has withdrawn from a joint defense agreement with President Donald Trump might indicate that he is cooperating with Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III. If so, this could be a significant turning point in the investigation.
Adjusting to this new reality ranks among the principal strategic challenges Washington faces in Asia. So far, however, it has adapted badly to China’s global role and especially to its new pan-Asian initiatives. Washington can and must do better. For one thing, U.S. policymakers need to pick their fights more carefully.
The final lesson is that the international system cannot function unless it incorporates the largest and fastest-growing countries. If it fails to adequately include China, India, and other emerging economies, they will simply turn elsewhere. That means formal European and, to a lesser extent, U.S. influence in most international institutions will have to shrink in the years ahead. So if the United States is to preserve the system’s liberal tilt, it will need to rely more heavily on informal means.
The bottom line is that Washington spends far too much time and energy reacting to China’s moves. Instead, it should be active and exploit U.S. strengths, such as technology, innovation, and connections to global capital markets, as it works with a diverse array of Asian partners to help balance China’s growing influence. The best way to adapt to China’s new activism is to mount a stronger offense, not play perpetual defense.
税制改革法案が成立すれば、国民の分断が一層、深まるのはほぼ確実だ。米国は不道徳と もいえるほどの限りない強欲の潮流にのまれている。我々は皆、その不幸な結果とともに 生きていかねばならない運命にある。 (2017年11月22日付 英フィナンシャル・タイムズ紙 (c) The Financial Times Limited 2017. All Rights Reserved. The Nikkei Inc. is solely responsible for providing this translated content and The Financial Times Limited does not accept any liability for the accuracy or quality of the translation.
The statue in San Francisco was not intended as an affront to the people of Japan, said Julie Tang, a retired California Superior Court judge and a chairwoman of the Comfort Women Justice Coalition, which has been working for years to erect the statue.
“The issue is women’s freedom from sexual violence, especially from rape and assault during wartime,” she said.
Critics of the movement say that the activists are promoting an unbalanced version of history, and that statues like the one in San Francisco might stoke animosity toward people of Japanese ancestry, more than 110,000 of whom were forced into internment camps in the United States at the same time the Imperial Japanese Army was running its comfort stations.
South Korea, too, has been accused of keeping comfort women. This year, a South Korean court ruled that the government was guilty of detaining women to work as prostitutes for American soldiers during the 1960s and ’70s.
[マイクマーリン前合同参謀議長] "I think it's more probable than it used to be and it scares me to death、quite frankly。They're the most dangerous weapons in the world。And certainly if we have someone in North Korea that has a lethal legacy、is very、very unpredictable、a??nd sees this as a way to solidify his future、that he could well not just obtain them but potentially use them。 "
The Senate Republican tax plan gives substantial tax cuts and benefits to Americans earning more than $100,000 a year, while the nation’s poorest would be worse off, according to a report released Sunday by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. 日曜日に議会予算事務局の公表した報告に拠れば上院共和党の提案する減税法案は 年収10万ドル以上の高所得層への恩恵が大きい一方、低所得層への打撃が大きいこ とがわかった
Republicans are aiming to have the full Senate vote on the tax plan as early as this week, but the new CBO analysis showing large, harmful effects on the poor may complicate those plans. The CBO also said the bill would add $1.4 trillion to the deficit over the next decade, a potential problem for Republican lawmakers worried about America’s(ry Long Divided, Iran Unites Against Trump and Saudis in a Nationalist Fervor By THOMAS ERDBRINKNOV. 26, 2017 ------------------------------------------------------------- Richard N. Haass?認証済みアカウント @RichardHaass 5時間5時間前 US and Saudi policy achieves worst of all worlds: rallies Iranian people around a more assertive even aggressive nationalist policy but does not put into place a response for dealing with an Iran that is increasing its regional reach and influence
EUは、職業訓練からエシカルファッション(環境や地域社会に配慮して生産する衣料品) の供給網で事業を行う企業の育成支援にわたる投資によって、移民の「根因」に対処す ることを目指している。EU加盟国は、アフリカ諸国との2国間プロジェクトも多数行 っている。 多くのEU外交官が、アフリカの大国数カ国の人口動態を受けて移民は再び急増する公 算が大きいと認める。だが、ある外交官はタヤーニ氏の構想について、こう語った。 「この種の壮大な戦略を立ち上げることは、今のところ可能ではないだろう」 By Michael Peel(2017年11月28日付 英フィナンシャル・タイムズ紙
(c) The Financial Times Limited 2017. All Rights Reserved. The Nikkei Inc. is solely responsible for providing this translated content and The Financial Times Limited does not accept any liability for the accuracy or quality of the translation.
BEIJING ? In his nationwide address to usher in the start of 2017, Chinese President Xi Jinping said he was “seriously concerned” about people living in hardship in his country ? those who struggle to find jobs, housing, health care and education for their children. Xi pledged that to “ceaselessly solve those problems remains an unshirkable responsibility for the party and the government.” But as the year draws to a close, tens of thousands of migrant workers are being tossed out of their homes in the freezing cold and biting winds of the Beijing winter, with little or no(ry
Rebecca Davis@rebeccaludavis To clarify: the rubble isn't due to the fire, but to the demolition of 西?? village south of #Beijing as authorities clear out migrants from buildings not up to code 3:00 PM - Nov 27, 2017
Wang Feng@ulywang Some NGOs, even ad hoc volunteer groups, now getting trouble from police & their online messages offering help getting deleted. What a bunch of assholes! … 8:39 AM - Nov 26, 2017
Oliver Lutz Radtke@olr_olr Beijing's migrant workers' mass eviction already affecting China's e-commerce. Note on clothing retailer Semir 森?website stating that express delivery to BJ no longer possible. #nomigrantsnocouriers … 5:20 AM - Nov 27, 2017 ・ Stuttgart, Germany
Many intellectuals and others have objected; hence the controversy. Among them is He Weifang, a well-known professor of law at Beijing University and public intellectual ? although perhaps I should say “former public intellectual,” since the government has blocked virtually all his access to any public platform. So thorough is the blocking that he has apparently been reduced to sending handwritten messages (remember handwriting?) for circulation by supporters. Here’s his latest. The translation is mine; a photo of the original note follows. I should add that I don’t know personally that it’s genuine, but it was retweeted by Xu Zhiyong, who probably knows what his handwriting looks like. Suggestions for improving the translation welcome.
Comrade Baldingさんがリツイート Wei Du 杜唯 @WeiDuCNA 18 分18 分前 Wei Du 杜唯さんがFAN Wenxinをリツイートしました And no one is supposed to talk about any of it. Move along, nothing to see. Washington wastes opportunities to denuclearize Korean Peninsula peacefully Source:Global Times Published: 2017/11/29 16:58:39 米国政府は平和裏の朝鮮半島非核化の機会を無駄に浪費している
It's fair to say that US policy on North Korea has failed, and so has the policy of President Donald Trump. There were times that Washington had the initiative, yet it overlooked Pyongyang's demands for security and wasted the opportunities to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula by peaceful means. Trump heightened the pressure on North Korea at the wrong time, intensifying the tensions on the peninsula almost to the utmost, leaving little space for diplomatic maneuvering.
Although the US has demanded an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, the international community has actually run out of leverage against North Korea. Pyongyang has gained tremendous confidence this time, so the Security Council's condemnation and possible fresh sanctions are no big deal.
The tense situation on the Korean Peninsula must be cooled down. Whenever a chance is lost, it is more difficult to find an opening in the future. As Washington finds it difficult to solve the nuclear issue through military means, it should make the prompt decision of negotiating with Pyongyang.
Both the US and North Korea should face up to reality and make compromises to solve the crisis by diplomacy. The US has got the short end of the stick by looking down on North Korea, therefore it should take North Korea's security demands more seriously. Meanwhile, Pyongyang should not treat Washington as it pleases because of its successful test of ICBMs. A "balance of power" between the US and North Korea will never be possible and North Korea should seek the chance to maximize its national interests.
The process of denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula is getting more and more difficult. But no matter how difficult it is, the international community will not admit the nuclear status of North Korea. How can the process of denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula facilitate regional peace and stability? Time is needed to solve this thorny issue. Despite their trading of barbs, neither Pyongyang nor Washington seems willing to launch a nuclear war to end the wrangle. Their bellicose posturing is no more than a paper tiger. German pro-refugee mayor Andreas Hollstein stabbed 28 November 2017 難民受け入れ推進派であるドイツのNorth Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) のAltena市長、 Andreas Hollsteinが、難民排斥派の暴漢にナイフで刺される事件発生 (この市長はメルケル首相のCDUに所属) BBC
A mayor in western Germany has survived a knife attack amid suspicions of a link to his liberal immigration policy. Andreas Hollstein, conservative mayor of Altena, was stabbed in the neck in a kebab shop and had hospital treatment. The town in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is well known for having accepted more than its quota of migrants. "The security authorities believe that there was a political motive," said NRW premier Armin Laschet. The mayor is in Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU party. Witnesses quoted by German media said the assailant - now in custody - shouted criticism of the mayor's asylum policy during the attack on Monday night.
In a tweet, Mrs Merkel condemned the attack (in German). "I am outraged by the knife attack on Mayor Andreas Hollstein, and very relieved that he is able to be back with his family. Thanks also to those who helped him," she said. Did a 'Muslim Migrant' Beat Up a Dutch Boy on Crutches? A video of a teenager beating up a person on crutches was shared by President Donald Trump along with the claim that the antagonist was a "Muslim migrant.
Shortly after this video was posted to, Dutch police officers were able to locate the attacker and arrest him. A news report from the Telegraaf identified him as a 16-year-old boy from Monnickendam. The report made no mention of the boy’s religion.
Further, when this months-old video was brought back into the spotlight in November 2017 thanks to a retweet from President Trump, posted a short article that mocked Trump for sharing the video:
(By the way, fake news! Perpetrator was not a Muslim and not an immigrant, but nice try Trumpie)
WASHINGTON ? The White House has developed a plan to force out Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson, whose relationship with President Trump has been strained, and replace him with Mike Pompeo, the C.I.A. director, perhaps within the next several weeks, senior administration officials said on Thursday.
Mr. Pompeo would be replaced at the C.I.A. by Senator Tom Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas who has been a key ally of the president on national security matters, according to the White House plan. Mr. Cotton has signaled that he would accept the job if offered, said the officials, who insisted on anonymity to discuss sensitive deliberations before decisions are announced.
It was not immediately clear whether Mr. Trump has given final approval to the plan, but he has been said to have soured on Mr. Tillerson and in general is ready to make a change at the State Department. John F. Kelly, the White House chief of staff, developed the transition plan and has discussed it with other officials.
Under his plan, the shake-up of the national security team would happen around the end of the year or shortly afterward. But for all of his public combativeness, Mr. Trump is notoriously reluctant to fire people, and it was not known if Mr. Tillerson had agreed to step down by then. Public disclosure of Mr. Kelly’s transition plan may be meant as a signal to the secretary that it is time to go.
At the same time, there was some concern in the White House about the appearance of a rush to the exits given that other senior officials may also leave in the early part of the new year. White House officials were debating whether it would be better to spread out any departures or just get them over with all at once.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said at Thursday's press briefing that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will "close out the year" just like reporters "because that's how the calendar works."
Reporters pressed Sanders throughout the briefing about reports that President Donald Trump is planning to replace Tillerson with CIA Director Mike Pompeo and nominate Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) to head the CIA. Sanders responded that if Trump ever loses confidence in someone, they will no longer serve in his administration and that Trump and Tillerson will continue to work together to close out an "incredible year."
"Look, as we've said many times before, as many of you love to write these type of stories, when the president loses confidence in someone, they will no longer serve in the capacity that they are in," Sanders said. "The president was here today with the secretary of state. They engaged in a foreign leader visit. And they are continuing to work together to close out what we have seen to be an incredible year."
At the end of the briefing, Sanders was asked to clarify what she meant by saying that Tillerson will close out the year. "You said Tillerson to close out a successful year. Are you saying that he will close out the year? Will he serve beyond that?" the reporter asked.
"In terms of the secretary of state, I think I've spoken about that pretty extensively and answered that question," Sanders responded. "We are all closing out the year. You guys are closing out the year in your news network. We don't set the calendar. That's something that happened a few centuries ago."
"The year is going to end whether we like it or not," she continued. "We will all close it out and do the best job for the American people in that process. I don't mean anything by it more than that. I'm closing out the year. You guys are. I know most of you are doing end of the year stories because that's how the calendar works."
Now D.J.I. is fighting a claim by one United States government office that its commercial drones and software may be sending sensitive information about American infrastructure back to China, in the latest clash over the power of data in the growing technological rivalry between the two countries. It also shows how consumer technology companies have become increasingly central to debates about national security.
The company, formally named Da Jiang Innovations Science and Technology Company, put out a statement this month contesting the allegations made in a dispatch from United States customs officials. The memo, from the Los Angeles office of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau, was dated in August but had begun to circulate online more recently.
It said officials had “moderate confidence” that the D.J.I.’s commercial drones and software are “providing U.S. critical infrastructure and law enforcement data to the Chinese government.” It cited what it called a reliable source, who it did not identify, in the drone industry “with first and secondhand access.”
More recently, one security expert recently outlined how D.J.I. left key digital information accessible to the public that could allow someone to look at customer data on its servers, including military and government flight logs. In a statement, D.J.I. said it hired an independent cybersecurity firm to investigate the report and the impact of any unauthorized access to consumer data.
U.S. stocks fell sharply on Friday, turning lower in midday trading following reports that Michael Flynn will testify about President Donald Trump. The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, -0.56% fell 162 points, or 0.7%, to 24,116. 一時、ダウは162ポイントの下落
●ABC News reported that Flynn would testify that he was directed to make contact with the Russians. ABC Newsはフリン氏が指示を受けてロシア側に接触と証言の見込みと報道 ●The major averages hit their session lows on the report. ●Gold and Treasuries spiked higher following the ABC report as investors fled to market safe havens. 株式が下落、金価格が上昇
I reached out to nine legal experts and asked them a simple question: Does this mean that Flynn is now actively cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, which, if true, would put Trump and potentially his entire staff in legal jeopardy. Their full responses, edited for clarity and style, are below.
Flynn was facing serious criminal liability for a variety of alleged missteps, including his failure to register as an agent of a foreign power. If this is the entirety of the plea deal, the best explanation for why Mueller would agree to it is that Flynn has something very valuable to offer in exchange: damaging testimony on someone else. Who? That’s not clear, but it probably is someone at the center ? or close to the center ? of this criminal enterprise.
Former national security adviser Michael Flynn's guilty plea Friday for lying to the FBI is alarming news for Donald Trump. But the first person it's likely to jeopardize will be the president's son-in-law, Jared Kushner.
Two former officials with the Trump transition team who worked closely with Flynn say that during the last days of the Obama administration, the retired general was instructed to contact foreign ambassadors and foreign ministers of countries on the U.N. Security Council, ahead of a vote condemning Israeli settlements. Flynn was told to try to get them to delay that vote until after Barack Obama had left office, or oppose the resolution altogether.
The renminbi’s share of international transactions fell to the lowest level in close to four years in October and the Chinese currency looks set to finish 2017 with a lower global profile than the Canadian dollar.
The renminbi accounted for just 1.46 per cent of international transactions via the Swift global bank payment messaging network last month, falling from 1.85 per cent in September to the lowest level since April 2014.
The latest reading from the partial measure of the currency’s international prominence also marked a new low since its share of transactions peaked at 2.79 per cent in 2015.
As a share of total swift payments the renminbi also fell to seventh place for the first time in three years, outdone by the Canadian dollar (1.6 per cent share) and closer in size to the share of the Australian dollar (1.43 per cent), which ranked seventh in October.
September also saw the euro’s share of total payments gain about one percentage point to 33.98 per cent while the dollar edged down about 0.3 percentage points to 39.47 per cent. Next down the list were the British pound (7.71 per cent), Japanese yen (2.92 per cent) and Swiss franc (1.63 per cent).
(2017年12月1日付 英フィナンシャル・タイムズ紙 (c) The Financial Times Limited 2017. All Rights Reserved. The Nikkei Inc. is solely responsible for providing this translated content and The Financial Times Limited does not accept any liability for the accuracy or quality of the translation. The Flynn Plea: A Quick and Dirty Analysis By Susan Hennessey, Matthew Kahn, Vanessa Sauter, Shannon Togawa Mercer, Benjamin Wittes Friday, December 1, 2017, 5:19 PM マイケル・フリンの事件(の法的分析):クイック&ダーティ・アナリシス
Moreover, we can infer from the fact that Flynn accepted the plea deal that he and his counsel were concerned about the degree of jeopardy, both for Flynn and for his son, related to other charges. The deal, in other words, reflects the strength of Mueller’s hand against Flynn.
It reflects something else too: that Flynn is prepared to give Mueller substantial assistance in his investigation and that Mueller wants the assistance Flynn can provide. We are not going to speculate about what that assistance might be. But prosecutors do not give generous deals in major public integrity cases to big-fish defendants without good reason?and in normal circumstances, the national security adviser to the president is a very big fish for a prosecutor.
Flynn now admits that he knew at the time that the security council was scheduled to vote on the resolution Dec. 22, the day after it was introduced. On Dec. 22, “a very senior member of the of the Presidential Transition Team directed [Flynn] to contact officials from foreign governments, including Russia, to learn where each government stood on the resolution and to influence those governments to delay the vote or defeat the resolution.” (Note the word “very” before “senior” in that sentence.) North Korea’s Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile Program Advances: Second Missile Test Stand Barge Almost Operational BY: 38 NORTH DECEMBER 1, 2017WMD 北朝鮮の潜水艦発射の弾道ミサイル計画の進展
A 38 North exclusive with analysis by Joseph S. Bermudez Jr. Figures 1-3. Overview images of Nampo Navy Shipyard show movement of test stand barge in November. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jonathan Cheng?認証済みアカウント @JChengWSJ 53分53分前 In case it has slipped your mind, N. Korea is also making significant progress with its program to launch missiles from submarines. @38NorthNK 気づいていない人のために言えば、北朝鮮は潜水艦発射ミサイルについても多大の 進歩をとげている
Tensions escalated after North Korea launched a new Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile that could reach the US mainland. The US is threatening extreme sanctions such as curbing oil supplies and is pushing for other countries to sever ties with Pyongyang.
The pressure for the US to slap extreme sanctions on North Korea falls once again on China and the risk of war is rising.
China will face difficult choices, but at least we can say China has tried its best. We can neither persuade Pyongyang nor sway the opinion of Washington. The only thing China can do next is to firmly uphold its principles, strive to alleviate tensions while at the same time preparing for the worst.
A Washington, D.C., bar is offering $5 “Moscow Mueller” drinks after former national security adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI on Friday.
>>533 蛇足を書いておくと、このカクテルは Moscow Mule(1/2 oz. lime juice、2 oz. vodka、 6 oz. ginger beer)をもじった駄洒落ドリンクで その作り方は:MOSCOW MUELLER RECIPE INGREDIENTS: 2 shots of your favorite Russian vodka 1/2 lime, juiced 1/2 cup of ginger beer Ice cubes Lime wedge for garnish Cherry on top - because you are a baller like Mueller Summer Pro Tip: Add some fresh pineapple!
After six months of work, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has indicted two advisers to President Trump and accepted guilty pleas from two others in exchange for their cooperation with his probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election ? a sign of mounting legal peril for the White House.
It appears to have swiftly expanded beyond Russia’s interference in the campaign to encompass a range of activities, including contacts with Russian officials during the transition and alleged money laundering that took place long before Trump ran for office.
And Flynn’s agreement to fully cooperate with investigators suggests that Mueller is not done yet. “Mueller has proceeded with professionalism, deliberation and without delay to build a case with a wall of substance,” said Richard Ben-Veniste, who was a lead member of the Watergate special prosecution team. “This plea today is another brick in that wall.”
Mueller has moved so swiftly that it has left Trump’s team grasping for answers about how far the probe might ultimately reach. Along with Flynn and Papadopoulos, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, have been charged with money laundering and other crimes related to political consulting they did in Ukraine prior to joining Trump’s effort. They pleaded not guilty. (中略) Aside from the legal implications, Flynn’s account could ratchet up the political pressure on the White House, which will now face more questions about why incoming Vice President Pence, chief of staff Reince Priebus and then-spokesman Sean Spicer insisted that Flynn did not discuss sanctions with Kislyak when other senior officials knew otherwise. (後略)
米国政府が中国をWTOの規定する「マーケット・エコノミー」にあらずと認定した。 この決定が中国の対米輸出に与える影響の程度 PIIEに拠れば、中国からの輸入の9.2%に影響があり得る。小さな数字ではない。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chad P. Bown?認証済みアカウント @ChadBown China's non-market economy (NME) status dispute at the WTO:
QUESTION: How much US imports from China are impacted by this (antidumping) policy issue? ANSWER: Roughly 9.2% of US total imports from China, according to my latest estimates So a big deal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Steel, Aluminum, Lumber, Solar: Trump's Stealth Trade Protection Chad P. Bown (PIIE) Policy Brief17-21 June 2017
President Trump's former deputy national security adviser K.T. McFarland told a friend in an email when she was on Trump's transition team that Russia "threw" the U.S. election to Trump, The New York Times reported Saturday.
McFarland reportedly wrote in the email that sanctions then-President Obama levied on Russia in response to Moscow's election meddling would make it more difficult for Trump to improve relations with Russia, "which has just thrown the U.S.A. election to him."
The Times reported that it was unclear whether the transition official was saying she believed that the election had been thrown. A White House lawyer told the newspaper that McFarland was referring to the Democrats' portrayal of the election. (後略)
(CNN)White House national security adviser HR McMaster said Saturday that North Korea represents "the greatest immediate threat to the United States" and that the potential for war with the communist nation is growing each day. "I think it's increasing every day, which means that we are in a race, really, we are in a race to be able to solve this problem," McMaster told an audience at the Reagan National Defense Forum in Simi Valley, California when asked if North Korea's launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile Tuesday had increased the chance of war.
トランプ米大統領は2日、自身のツイッターで、ロシア疑惑で起訴されたフリン前大統領 補佐官を更迭した理由について、米連邦捜査局(FBI)に「ウソをついた」からだとし た。トランプ氏はFBIにフリン氏の捜査をやめるよう求めたとされているが、その時点 でフリン氏の虚偽の供述を知っていたことになり、捜査妨害の疑いがより強まる可能性が ある。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *これは米国のメディアと一部論者が問題視ひていることで、根拠となる大統領の発言は Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide! 2:14 AM - Dec 3, 2017
これに対する批判の代表的なものは A former government ethics official said Saturday that President Trump’s tweet about the firing of former national security adviser Michael Flynn would have been enough to end past administrations. “Are you ADMITTING you knew Flynn had lied to to the FBI when you asked Comey to back off Flynn?” Walter Shaub, the former director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, tweeted at Trump. *トランプ政権がフリン氏を解任した時、その理由は彼がペンス副大統領にロシアとの 協議について嘘を言って政権チーム内の信頼を失ったためとされた。土曜日のフリン氏 の有罪認定ではじめて彼がFBIの調査に対して嘘を言ったと認めた(これは偽証罪)の だけれど「トランプ氏はFBIにフリン氏の捜査をやめるよう求めたとされているが、 その時点でフリン氏の虚偽の供述を知っていたことになり、捜査妨害の疑いがより強ま る」というロジックが成り立つ。違法行為を知りながらFBI長官にフリン氏への捜査を 止めるように求めるなら司法妨害になる、 Trump Finds Loopholes in Chief of Staff’s New Regime Kelly establishes control, but the president’s ‘workarounds’ show its limits By Michael C. Bender Dec. 3, 2017 7:00 a.m. ET トランプ大統領はホワイトハウスのチーフ・オブ・スタッフであるJohn Kellyの統制管理 の抜け穴を見つけた。Kellyは(混乱を回避すべく)統制を確立したのだが、大統領の回避 策はその限界を示す WSJ
WASHINGTON?Chief of Staff John Kelly over the past five months has imposed discipline and rigorous protocols on a freewheeling White House. But President Donald Trump has found the loopholes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump has given staffers assignments and told them not to tell Kelly: report BY REBECCA SAVRANSKY - 12/03/17 10:45 AM EST 833 WSJに拠ればトランプ大統領はホワイトハウスのスタッフに直接に指示を与え、さらに Kelly にはそのことを知らせるなと告げるという
Trump reportedly gives aides tasks and says they should not share them with Kelly, The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday, citing several people familiar with the matter. Aides have in the past decided not to abide by the president's requests in order to not "run afoul" of Kelly, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Speaking with MSNBC host Alex Witt, Susan Del Percio appeared dismayed by the report and was at a loss to explain why Trump does the things he does. “I want to look at a Wall Street Journal report just out today that says the president is undermining his chief of staff’s attempts to impose discipline in the White House,” Witt began. “Here is the read: ‘The president on occasion has called White House aides to the private residence in the evening, where he makes assignments and asks them not tell Mr. Kelly about the plans.’ Why would he do that?” どうして大統領がそういうことをするのかというと “Why does he do anything?” the exasperated Del Percio replied. “He has undermined Secretary of State Tillerson from the beginning. He has undermined every member of his cabinet by basically just the way he speaks and tweets on a weekly basis. It’s not surprising at all.” 大統領はティラーソン国務長官についても、その仕事をサボタージュして自己流を通し たが、他の閣僚についても同じで、此れは驚くに値しない “The question I have is: how long will General Kelly take it?” she asked. “How long will other people who are trying to do the right thing by serving this administration stay there? Because at the beginning of this year I was one who said let’s give the generals a chance. Let’s give President Trump a chance. He has put really good people in, but when he does do this type of undermining, how long can they stay there and keep their reputations intact and really still help the country?”” 問題は、そういう状況でKelly や閣僚たちが、どの位長く地位にとどまれるのかとい うことで・・・
James Pethokoukis?認証済みアカウント @JimPethokoukis Goldman Sachs on GOP tax bill: After a 0.3 ppt upturn in growth in 2018 and 2019, we "note that the effect in 2020 and beyond looks minimal and could actually be slightly negative" 14:55 - 2017年12月3日
これについてPatrick Chovanec? Patrick Chovanec? @prchovanec Patrick ChovanecさんがJames Pethokoukisをリツイートしました Most economists feel the same. I don't anticipate changing my growth outlook (though after-tax corporate earnings might well get a boost).
Richard N. Haass?認証済みアカウント @RichardHaass Listening to @GrahamBlog on @FaceTheNation reinforces my sense that the Trump administration is seriously contemplating a preventive attack on NK. Too many observers discount this prospect by making the error of confusing what they see as desirable w what is increasingly possible 7:57 - 2017年12月3日
The guilty plea by former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos posed a bit more of a challenge, what with the fact that he admitted lying to the FBI about his dealings with Russia during the campaign, and had informed campaign officials about some of those contacts. But still Trump could argue, with some basis, that "few people knew the young, low level volunteer named George."
Not so, with Flynn. The White House tried gamely to make it look as if there was nothing new to see here, and that Flynn had been charged only with doing what had already precipitated his firing by the Trump White House."Nothing about the guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn," White House lawyer Ty Cobb said. That is untrue.
They all stood mute in mid-January, after The Washington Post's David Ignatius reported on the Flynn-Kislyak calls, as Vice President Pence dutifully trooped to "Face the Nation" with assurances that the calls "had nothing whatsoever to do with those sanctions." Which somewhat undercuts Trump's assertion that Flynn was fired for lying to Pence. If Trump wasn't aware of the calls as they took place, did no one tell him later? Even more tantalizing, as the United Nations prepared to vote on a Security Council resolution on Israeli settlements, "a very senior member of the Presidential Transition Team" -- all the other references in the document are to senior officials -- "directed Flynn to contact officials from foreign governments, including Russia" to press them to oppose the resolution. News organizations are reporting that this very senior official is Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner. If so, could this have happened without Trump's knowing that his transition team was lobbying to undermine the position of the incumbent White House? Why did Flynn feel compelled to lie about this episode to the FBI?
トランプ大統領は当時のFBI長官の James Comeyにフリン氏のロシア関連の捜査 を止めるように求め、その後、従わない James Comey を解雇している。大統領 が此処までフリン氏を庇うのは何故か?
And that gets to the biggest unanswered question about Flynn: Why has Trump, a man for whom loyalty is a distinctly one-way street, been so desperate to protect him? "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go," Trump urged James Comey last February, a few months before firing the FBI director. "He is a good guy." A good guy -- or, from Trump's perspective, a very dangerous one. With Friday's events, the latter seems far more likely. (c) 2017, Washington Post Writers Group
The Washington Post and New York Times both ran stories this week which confirm what has been rumored for months: Secretary Tillerson’s tenure at State is nearing its conclusion. As early as February, Trump signaled that the Secretary of State position in his administration would be unlike those in recent memory:
○Tillerson was given little influence over the selection of his own personnel; ○He was excluded from Trump’s inner circle and did not participate in visits from high-ranking foreign dignitaries, like the now-infamous visit of Japanese Prime Minister Abe which was attended by Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump; and, ○When he did engage in policy matters, the President undermined him as he did last month while on a trip to Asia, publicly Tweeting that Secretary Tillerson’s efforts to negotiate with North Korea were a waste of time. ○The one area where Secretary Tillerson was given some leash was on his ambitious “redesign” of the State Department, a laudable objective that has been executed astonishingly poorly. The redesign of State was initiated by the president’s March 13 executive order with draft plans submitted to OMB by September and final plans approved and publicly released by March 2018. ○But if Tillerson leaves before March 2018, what is to come of the redesign effort? (中略) The United States is inextricably integrated into the international system and a functioning, efficient State Department is more critical than ever. However, Tillerson and his team have squandered in spectacular fashion an incredible opportunity to reform the State Department. In so doing, they’ve virtually ensured that successive administrations will avoid the topic which is unfortunate because State is an agency in desperate need of change. *トランプ大統領のもとでの国務長官というのは殆ど罰ゲーム・・
モラー氏の解任は、議会が無視するのが難しい妨害行為だ。だが、トランプ氏はこの衝 動に抗い難いと感じるかもしれない。皮肉で言われているように、「MAGA」と呼ば れるトランプ氏のスローガン――「Make America Great Again(米国を再び偉大にする)」 ――は別のものに変わりつつある。「Many are getting arrested(大勢が逮捕されてい る)」というふうに。 By Edward Luce
Brussels (AFP) - European Union ministers adopted on Tuesday a blacklist of 17 non-EU tax havens including Panama, South Korea and the United Arab Emirates after a year of tough negotiations.
トランプ大統領は5日、パレスチナ自治政府のアッバス議長とヨルダンのアブドラ国 王に自身の決定を伝えるため電話した。両政府は、それぞれの指導者にトランプ大統 領が大使館移転の意向を伝えたと説明。ホワイトハウスは電話について発表したが、 大統領報道官はトランプ氏が話すつもりだった内容については言及を控え、パレスチ ナとヨルダンの説明に関しても現時点で確認していない。 原題:Trump Signals Plan to Move Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem (1)(抜粋)
大使館のエルサレム移転についてCFRのリチャード・ハース Richard N. Haass?認証済みアカウント @RichardHaass 3時間3時間前 A dismal week for US diplomacy: First we boycott the UN conference on migration at a time 1 of every 100 people in the world is uprooted; then we change US policy re Jerusalem in a way that could well introduce yet another source of violence in Middle East
The White House is probably betting that, despite the noises in the Arab world against such a move, their key allies in Saudi Arabia and Egypt will limit their opposition?already publicly voiced?to lip service, as they are all interested in protecting relations with Trump over more urgent issues, such as fighting militancy and confronting Iran. It’s also betting that the Arab and Muslim public outcry will be limited, both because of efforts by their governments to contain dissent, and because administration officials may have swallowed the arguments that Arabs no longer care about Palestine, or even Jerusalem.
But this is not new. In the lead-up to the Camp David negotiations that President Bill Clinton mediated in 2000, it was not hard to see that the White House underestimated the centrality of Jerusalem to the Palestinians and Arabs broadly (see here and here, for instance) and that this issue could bring the negotiations down. It did.
The move would go against the very priorities that the administration has set for itself in the Middle East: fighting Islamist militancy and confronting Iranian influence.
Jewish Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders warns the announcement could 'irreparably damage' peace efforts 民主党ユダヤ系政治家のバーニー・サンダース上院議員は大統領の政策が和平プロセスの 努力を不可逆的に傷つけるという The expectation of an imminent declaration by United States President Donald Trump on Wednesday recognizing Israel’s claim over the holy city of Jerusalem and announcing plans to relocate the US embassy there sparked debate among American Jews who appeared divided on the contentious moves.While the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) lauded Trump’s expected announcement, high-profile liberal American Jews and Jewish groups, including Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, voiced disapproval and joined an international chorus of warnings that the announcement could inflame tensions across the Middle East and sink the Israeli- Palestinian peace process. 米国内の共和党ユダヤ連合(RJC)は大統領の政策を支持するが、サンダース上院議員に見 られるように著名なユダヤ系リベラル政治家やリベラルのユダヤ系グループは大統領の政策 に反対し、国際的な中東和平プロセスへの懸念を示す論調に賛同して、この政策が緊張を高 め紛争に転じることを危惧する; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bernie Sanders?@SenSanders There’s a reason why all past US administrations have not made this move, and why leaders around the world have warned Trump against it: It would undermine the prospects for an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement and severely, perhaps irreparably, damage our ability to broker it. 7:46 AM - Dec 6, 2017,7340,L-5052738,00.html Germany, France warn citizens in Jerusalem amid planned US recognition Reuters|Published: 06.12.17 , 11:28 ドイツとフランスの外務省はイスラエルにいる自国民に警告:米国の大使館移転の 動きでイスラエル国内で紛争激化の恐れがある、東エルサレム、西岸、ガザ地区な どの人混みを避けるべき、抗議行動発生が予想され暴力的衝突の可能性も;
BERLIN ? Germany is concerned that violent clashes could erupt in the Middle East following reports that President Donald Trump would recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, its Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday. France's Foreign Ministry also warned on its website that demonstrations were expected and that its nationals should avoid them and any large crowds in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. In an update of its travel advice for Israel and the Palestinian territories, the German ministry in Berlin said: "From December 6, 2017, there may be demonstrations in Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Violent clashes can not be ruled out." It advised its travelers in Jerusalem to closely monitor the situation via local media and avoid the affected areas.
LONDON - US President Donald Trump would effectively be making a declaration of war if he recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital, the Palestinians' chief representative to Britain said on Wednesday. "If he says what he is intending to say about Jerusalem being the capital of Israel, it means a kiss of death to the two state solution," Manuel Hassassian said in a BBC radio interview. "He is declaring war in the Middle East, he is declaring war against 1.5 billion Muslims (and) hundreds of millions of Christians that are not going to accept the holy shrines to be totally under the hegemony of Israel," Hassassian added. Opinion The Biggest Loser in Trump's High-stakes Jerusalem Embassy Decision: Netanyahu It was a trap all along, and Netanyahu could not help but fall in. In the end, the blood that will surely be spilled will not be on Trump's hands. It will be on Netanyahu's
Jared Kushner, who is married to Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, is the son of Charles and Seryl Kushner. The Kushner family is Jewish, and Ivanka Trump underwent an Orthodox conversion before the couple was married. The Charles and Seryl Kushner Family Foundation has donated $35,000 to the Simon Wiesenthal Center: $25,000 in 2011 and $10,000 in 2012, the Israeli daily Haaretz reported, citing the foundation’s tax filings. Hier is the dean and founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles.
直近のブルームバーグ調査では、80人のエコノミスト中、4%を上回る成長を見込むトラ ンプ大統領の予想に比較的近いのは1人だけだ。また上下両院税制合同委員会が先月公表 したリポートによれば、減税がもたらす財政刺激による向こう10年間の国内総生産(GD P)押し上げ効果は約0.8%にとどまる。これではトランプ大統領の予想実現はおぼつかない。 原題:Trump’s Picture of 6% Growth Makes Him Rosiest Among the Rosy(抜粋)
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson did not want Trump to make his Jerusalem announcement Wednesday, but he still has to deal with the consequences. The State Department has set up a 24-hour task force to collect information and coordinate response to Trump’s speech, which has already caused protests at several U.S. embassies and consulates abroad. ティラーソン国務長官はトランプ大統領のエルサレムの首都認定の発表を望んではいなか ったが、それでも発表の及ぼす結果に対処しなくてはならない
The State Department’s executive secretariat and bureau of Near East affairs stood up the task force Wednesday afternoon inside the seventh-floor operations center “to track worldwide developments following U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel,” according to an internal notice I obtained. The task force will include participation from State’s bureaus dealing with diplomatic security, consular affairs, public and legislative affairs and others. 国務省はタスクフォースをつくりビル7階のフロアにオペレーション・センターを設営し 事態の展開に備える。
State Department spokesmen did not respond to a request for comment, but other State Department officials told me such a move is typically made to address a security concern or when American lives can be in danger. Examples of past task forces include the Japanese and Haiti earthquakes, the Kenyan elections and the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi. 国務省は公的に発表していないが、こうした体制は非常事態に備えるもので、過去には 日本の東北大震災、ハイチの大震災、ベンガジ事件当時に同じような体制が取られた
外交評議会(CFR)代表のリチャード・ハース Richard N. Haass?認証済みアカウント @RichardHaass my take on the Jerusalem announcement for @axios It will not ripen diplomatic prospects but will diminish what little opportunity for progress exists, as this unilateral U.S. action demands nothing of the Israeli govt & gives nothing to the Palestinians. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard Haass (President, CFR) 8 hrs ago EXPERT VOICES Recognizing Jerusalem dims hopes for peace
下院監視委の民主党議員らは既にこの告発者についてモラー特別検察官に相談している。 書簡によると、告発者は6月に名乗り出ていたが、モラー特別検察官のチームは一定の 捜査活動が行われるまでこの情報の公表を控えるよう議員に要請していたという。 原題:Flynn Said Russia Sanctions Would Be Nixed, Whistle-Blower Says(抜粋)
(前半略) The White House referred inquiries to Trump’s personal White House attorney, Ty Cobb, who declined to comment.
If true, the informant’s story adds new evidence that the project’s promoters believed that Flynn and Trump backed the plan for a consortium of U.S., Russian and French firms to build and operate 45 nuclear power plants in Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries.
Reuters last week published documents that showed Copson and other plan proponents believed they had Flynn and Trump in their corner. The documents also revealed previously unreported aspects of the ACU proposal, including the involvement of a Russian nuclear equipment manufacturer currently under U.S. sanctions.
Flynn was a consultant to ACU from April 2015 to June 2016, according to amended financial disclosure forms he filed in August 2017. Flynn, who served only 24 days as Trump’s national security adviser, pleaded guilty last week to lying to FBI agents working for Special Counsel Robert Mueller about his contacts with a senior Russian diplomat. Mueller is investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 elections.
Cummings wrote that he delayed releasing the letter at Mueller’s request until the special counsel “completed certain investigative steps. They have now informed us that they have done so.” Norway’s oil fund makes first Asian property investment Sovereign wealth fund takes stake in five buildings in Tokyo Richard Milne in Oslo 35 MINUTES AGO ノルウェイの石油収入を原資とする国富ファンドが、はじめてアジアの不動産に投資 東京の5つのビルに投資することに FT China’s Sinopec sues Venezuelan oil firm as Beijing’s patience wanes over debt crisis US subsidiary of Chinese conglomerate seeks US$23 million in damages from PDVSA in dispute over payment for 45,000 tonnes of steel rebar PUBLISHED : Thursday, 07 December, 2017, 2:18pm UPDATED : Thursday, 07 December, 2017, 2:18pm 中国石油化工股?有限公司(中国石化、Sinopec)はベネズエラの債務危機に痺れを 切らし、米国内の子会社がベネズエラのPDVSA(ベネズエラ国営石油会社)に訴訟 香港、南華早報、SCMP
The lawsuit, while small in size, says PDVSA through its US subsidiary Bariven reneged on repeated promises to pay Sinopec, at one point costing the Chinese company US$2 million in losses after it entered into arbitration with a supplier it agreed to purchase the steel from to carry out the deal. “This is not simply a case of a broken promise to pay,” Sinopec said in the court documents, accusing PDVSA of “deceit” and “wilful deception” in its refusal to pay its bills.
The President’s top priority remains protecting the homeland, U.S. territories, and our allies against North Korean aggression. We remain fully committed to the defense of our allies, the Republic of Korea and Japan, using the full range of our conventional and nuclear capabilities.
Amid escalating tensions with North Korea, U.S. participation in the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea remains an “open question," U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley told Fox News. The Games are scheduled to run Feb. 9-25 in Pyeongchang, South Korea, just 50 miles from the North Korean border. “What we will do is make sure we are taking every precaution possible to make sure that [U.S. athletes are] safe and to know everything that’s going on around them,” Haley said Wednesday on "The Story with Martha MacCallum."
“So, I think that’s something where the administration is going to come together and find out the best way to make sure they’re protected.” As the U.S. and South Korea partake in a massive joint military exercise involving hundreds of planes, North Korea said late Wednesday that a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula was inevitable. The rogue nation called out high-ranking U.S. officials, including CIA Director Mike Pompeo, saying their “bellicose remarks” were revealing an intent to go to war, according to comments attributed to an unnamed Foreign Ministry spokesman.
"We do not wish for a war but shall not hide from it, and should the U.S. miscalculate our patience and light the fuse for a nuclear war, we will surely make the U.S. dearly pay the consequences with our mighty nuclear force which we have consistently strengthened," the spokesman said, according to the official Korean Central News Agency.
Sarah Sanders?認証済みアカウント @PressSec UPDATE: The U.S. looks forward to participating in the Winter Olympics in South Korea. The protection of Americans is our top priority and we are engaged with the South Koreans and other partner nations to secure the venues. 11:17 - 2017年12月7日