Al Boe ?? BREAKING NEWS @AlBoeNEWS #BREAKING: The New York Attorney General's office will reportedly pursue a criminal probe into the state taxes of Michael Cohen - CNN CNNの報道によればニューヨーク検察はマイケル・コーエンの脱税の捜査を進める模様 ----------------------------------------- Mark Maremont @MarkMaremont 7時間7時間前 The $4 million that Michael Cohen failed to pay taxes on includes a $100,000 real-estate brokerage fee that came from representing a company owned by a member of the Qatar royal family w/ ?@rob_barry? マイケルコーエンの$4Mの脱税疑惑には10万ドルの不動産取引手数料が含まれ、これは カタールの王族企業に関連するもの ----------------------------------------- Ed Krassenstein @EdKrassen 3時間3時間前 The great thing that most people are missing about Michael Cohen flipping, is that he holds the keys for every Trump pay to play scheme he has taken part in with with the Saudis, Qataris, Russians and whoever else. He may bring down the largest criminal enterprise in history. マイケル・コーエンの裏切りで多くの人が気づいていない事は、彼がトランプ氏の金銭授受 に深く関わることで、サウジアラビア、カタール、ロシアなどの国籍の人物との関わりである。 巨大な疑惑が暴露される可能性
CBS Evening News認証済みアカウント @CBSEveningNews 6分6分前 In phone call between Pres. Trump & Michael Cohen before the 2016 election - recorded by Cohen - the pair talks about Allen Weisselberg handling payment to Karen McDougal; Weisselberg was granted immunity for providing investigators information about Cohen h CBSイブニングニュース:2016年大統領選挙でトランプ大統領とフィクサーのマイケル ・コーエンは電話でプレイボーイ・モデルのカレン・マクドゥーガルへの口止め料支払い について相談しアレン・ワイセルバーグが支払い処理を行うとした。この会話はコーエン によって録音されている。 August 24, 2018, 12:52 PM Immunity for Trump CFO Is a Potential Game-Changer Prosecutors know that Allen Weisselberg is privy to the Trump Organization’s most sensitive information. By Timothy L. O'Brien 2018年8月25日 2:43 JST トランプ氏の同族企業のCFO、アレン・ワイセルバーグが司法取引で免責を得たことは 潜在的なゲーム・チェンジャーである。 検察官はワイセルバーグがトランプ同族企業の最もセンシティブな情報を持つことを知 っている ブルームバーグ、Timothy L. O'Brien
Weisselberg’s cooperation is a potentially momentous turn of events for the president. Depending on how prosecutors proceed, it may take the federal tax- and bank-fraud investigation of Cohen ? and, more important, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe involving Russian interference in the 2016 election ? out of some of the relatively low-stakes legal issues in play so far and into the heart of the Trump Organization and the president’s business and financial dealings.
Weisselberg is deeply familiar with the Trump Organization’s financial housekeeping. Trump ? a man who rarely trusts anyone ? confided in Weisselberg and relied on him to sign off on details of the company’s most significant deals.
There is, for example, a question about where Trump got more than two hundred million dollars in cash to buy and lavishly upgrade a money-losing golf course in Scotland. In a deal in Azerbaijan, Trump knowingly did business with a family that is widely suspected of laundering money for Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. The F.B.I. has reportedly investigated the source of funds for a Trump-branded property in Vancouver, Canada; while the Trump hotel in Toronto also has suspicious funding. トランプ氏のビジネスにはいくつもの疑問があって、スコットランドのゴルフコース の改装資金の出処とか、アゼルバイジャンの取引ではイランの革命防衛隊のため にマネロンしていると言われる相手と取引している。 F.B.I. はバンクーバーの不動産 開発の資金の出処を調査しているとされ、さらにトロントのホテルの資金についても 疑いがある。 These are just a handful of the many business deals that Trump has conducted that have signs of possible money-laundering, tax evasion, sanctions violations, and other financial crimes. Many of the key questions about Donald Trump revolve around his funding sources and his business partners: Did he knowingly receive funds from criminals? Did he launder money for criminals? Did he receive remuneration to look the other way when his partners broke the law? これらはトランプのビジネスの一部だが潜在的にマネロンや脱税支援、制裁違反、 その他の犯罪の疑いがある。彼に資金を拠出したビジネスパートナーは犯罪絡み の資金なのか?トランプ氏は犯罪者のマネロンに加担したのか?彼は犯罪者の違 法行為を助けた報酬を得ているのか?
Was much of his business built around selling his famous name to make illegitimate projects seem viable? More broadly, where did his money come from? Where did his money go? And how much questionable activity has he hidden from the world? Trump, himself, may not know the exact answers to all of these questions. Perhaps Allen Weisselberg does. トランプ同族企業のビジネス資金についてのこれらの質問にトランプ氏自身は正確 に答えを知らないかもしれないがワイセルバーグは知っている。 The Journal story and other news coverage suggest that Weisselberg has narrow immunity, related, solely, to the payments that Michael Cohen made to silence two women with whom Trump had affairs. With evidence of that crime in hand, prosecutors can subpoena other records from the company. If they have a reasonable basis to believe another crime has been committed, they can ask Weisselberg about it. WSJ記事の示唆するところではワイセルバーグの免責(司法取引)は狭義のもので マイケルコーエンの行った二人の女性への口止め料について(のみ)のものである。 この事件については既に証拠があるが検察官はトランプ同族企業について他の記録 を要求することができる。もしも他の犯罪(推測されるマネロン他)の合理的疑い があれば、検察はワイセルバーグに尋ねることが出来る Weisselberg, fearing jail time himself, could broaden his cooperation. The fact that Weisselberg has “flipped”? and may flip further?could shift the calculus of other figures in the Trump orbit as well. Weisselberg is a big fish?perhaps the biggest fish of all. Fearing that Weisselberg might implicate them in a crime, any cronies, dealmakers, attorneys, and others who might want to exchange information for leniency from prosecutors, will now do so. ワイセルバーグは投獄されることを避けるべく司法取引の協力範囲を広げることが あり得る。彼がトランプ氏を裏切ったことは、さらなる裏切りがあり得ることを意 味しトランプサークルの人々の計算をシフトさせ得る。ワイセルバーグは「大物」 であって多分、トランプサークで最大の獲物である。ワイセルバーグが彼らを犯罪 に巻き込む事を恐れて、縁故者の誰もが、取引相手が、法律家たちが、あるいは 検察の寛大さを求めて情報を交換したい人たちが、今やそういう事をするだろう。
There are now multiple investigations of the Trump Organization being conducted by the special counsel Robert Mueller, the New York Attorney General, The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, the Manhattan District Attorney, the Southern District of New York, and?quite likely?other jurisdictions. President Trump is unable to stop most of these investigations. With Cohen and, now, Weisselberg providing information, it is becoming increasingly certain that the American people will?sooner or later?have a far fuller understanding of how Donald Trump conducted business. That is unlikely to go well for him. 今ではトランプ同族企業への複数の捜査が進行中で、モラー特別検察官のチーム の他ニューヨーク検察、ニューヨーク州税制金融当局、マンハッタン地区検察、 南ニューヨーク地区検察などで、トランプ大統領がこれらすべての捜査を止める ことは不可能である。コーエンとワイセルバーグが情報を提供し、アメリカ国民 は遅かれ早かれトランプ氏が如何にビジネスを行ってきたかを知るだろう。それ がトランプ氏のためになるとは考えにくい。
Six-in-10 voters, 60 percent, say it would be inappropriate for the president to pardon Manafort, his former campaign chairman. Only 11 percent say a pardon for Manafort would be appropriate. The remaining 29 percent of voters have no opinion. 有権者全体では恩赦反対が60%、賛成は11%、どちらとも言えないが29% Even among self-identified Republican voters, a potential Manafort pardon is unpopular. Twice as many GOP voters call pardoning Manafort inappropriate (38 percent) as say it would be appropriate (20 percent). 共和党支持者については恩赦賛成は20%、反対が38%
Still, the poll shows a number of dangers for Trump’s presidency in the wake of this week’s legal developments. A plurality of voters, 47 percent, agree that the special counsel investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election is a serious matter and should continue. Only 33 percent say it’s an effort to discredit Trump and should end. モラー特別検察官のロシア疑惑調査は47%が支持し継続を求める。特別検察官の調査に 反対する意見は33%
Nearly half, 49 percent, think Trump has tried to impede the investigation, compared to only 34 percent who say he hasn’t. 有権者の49%はトランプ大統領が特別検察官の調査を妨害しようとすると見る。そうで はないとする見方は34%
Asked whether they expect Democrats to impeach Trump if the party wins back the House this fall, a combined 63 percent say it is very or somewhat likely, far more than the 19 percent who say it is not likely Democrats would impeach Trump. 民主党が中間選挙で下院の過半数支配を奪還すればトランプ大統領の弾劾に進むと見る 有権者は63%、それはないとする見方は19%
The Economist@TheEconomist・9h Researchers reason that things spread through social networks because they are appealing, not because they are true 其の理由について研究者は、人々が、アピールするものを好み真実のものを好 むとは限らないためという
A former Trump World Tower doorman who said he has information about an alleged affair that President Donald Trump had with an ex-housekeeper, which reportedly resulted in a child, is now free to talk to the media if he chooses to, according to CNN. 前トランプタワーのドアマンとして働いてきたDino Sajudinが、AMIとの秘密保持契約から 開放されたとして、トランプ大統領と前家政婦の関係、私生児について語った。 "Today I awoke to learn that a confidential agreement that I had with AMI (The National Enquirer) with regard to a story about President Trump was leaked to the press. I can confirm that while working at Trump World Tower I was instructed not to criticize President Trump's former housekeeper due to a prior relationship she had with President Trump, which produced a child." 「トランプワールドタワーで働いていた時、トランプ氏と前の家政婦の関係、私生児について 批判しないように指示されていた」
The playing field of competitive races has expanded, and not in a good way for the GOP: of the 66 races in our "Lean" and "Toss Up" columns, Republicans are defending 62 and Democrats just four. The battlefield includes all types of places: northeastern suburbs, Sun Belt exurbs, Trump zones in the Rust Belt and unexpected locales like Little Rock, Spokane and even the coalfields of southern West Virginia. 激戦・接戦の選挙区が増えていて、共和党にとって良くない傾向になっている。 66の激戦区について共和党は62の現有議席があり民主党は4つに過ぎない。 激戦区はサンベルトの外側、北東郊外地域、ラストベルトのトランプ・ゾーン、 そして予想されていなかったLittle RockやSpokane、 南部West Virginiaの石炭 地帯などである。 Many Republicans wish they could simply run on a great economy, but complain President Trump's constant distractions won't let them. Instead, Republicans will have to convince voters that the Democratic alternatives are unacceptable 共和党は良好な経済が助けになると考えていたがトランプ大統領への不満がそれを 阻害している。共和党は民主党が代替として不適格だと有権者を説得する必要がある (中略) Democrats remain clear but not overwhelming House favorites. On the low end, it's possible House control may not be decided until days after the election. It's also possible a "Blue Wave" could propel Democrats to historic gains, well past the 23 they need. Right now, Democrats appear poised to gain between 20 and 40 seats, with 25 to 35 the likeliest outcome. View our full ratings here. 現在の予測は民主党が追加の下院議席を20〜40獲得(23議席獲得なら下院過半数支配) でありそうな結果として25〜35の追加議席獲得;
China's Communist Party is intensifying covert influence operations in the United States that include funding Washington think tanks and coercing Chinese Americans, according to a congressional commission report.
ワシントンのシンクタンクに中共の資金が… 名前のあがってるシンクタンクは In addition to Johns Hopkins, other think tanks linked to China and influential in American policy circles include the Brookings Institution, Atlantic Council, Center for American Progress, EastWest Institute, Carter Center, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
これらのレーニン的情報工作について米国民、政治家の多くはなにも知らない "Most Americans and many members of Congress have no idea of the range of activities undertaken by this Chinese Communist Party web," Wortzel said. "It is a form of activity by Communist parties that dates back to the days of Lenin."
議会報告書全文はこちら China’s Overseas United Front Work Background and Implications for the United States’s-overseas-united-front-work-background-and-implications-united-states
エリザベス・ウォーレン上院議員、マケイン氏の逝去に Elizabeth Warren@SenWarren・7h I count it as a blessing to have had the honor to serve with John McCain in the Senate and on the Armed Services Committee. If there ever was a true American patriot, John was that patriot. I’ll miss his strength and his maverick spirit, but most of all I’ll miss his kindness.
ビル・クリストール(ウイークリー・スタンダード編集者) Bill Kristol@BillKristol・4h "...McCain mentioned offhandedly how he had come to memorize 'Sam McGee.' 'The guy in the cell next to me,' he said, 'it was his favorite poem. He used to tap it to me on the wall, in Morse Code. That's how I memorized it.'"
リチャード・ハース(外交評議会代表) Richard N. Haass@RichardHaass・21h My sense is that the outpouring of respect and affection for John McCain reflects just not who he is and has been but also the concern that it is not obvious who will be taking his place at a moment in our history we clearly need some profiles in courage.
Bennett Murray@BDMurray・7h McCain's death is the big story of the day in Vietnam, too. He is well liked here, seen as both a peacemaker and as a friend against China.
Congressional Republicans are getting ready for hell. Axios has obtained a spreadsheet that's circulated through Republican circles on and off Capitol Hill ? including at least one leadership office ? that meticulously previews the investigations Democrats will likely launch if they flip the House. 書類はスプレッドシートに纏められたもので議会の共和党議員に回覧された
It has churned Republican stomachs. Here are some of the probes it predicts: 共和党の纏めた予想される追求事項は: President Trump’s tax returns 大統領の所得申請の未公開 Trump family businesses ? and whether they comply with the Constitution's emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization トランプ同族企業の振る舞いの問題;外国勢力のとの利益追求など Trump's dealings with Russia, including the president's preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin プーチンと大統領の取引 The payment to Stephanie Clifford ? a.k.a. Stormy Daniels AV女優やプレイボーイモデルらとの不倫関係 James Comey's firing FBIのJames Comeyの解雇の正当性 Trump's firing of U.S. attorneys 政府の法律家の解雇の正当性 Trump's proposed transgender ban for the military 軍のtransgenderの雇用禁止の正当性
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings ムニューシン財務長官のビジネス取引 White House staff's personal email use ホワイトハウスのスタッフの個人電子メール使用 Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks 閣僚の経費乱用 Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago Mar-a-Lagoでの機密事項の議論 Jared Kushner's ethics law compliance 女婿のクシュナーのビジネス倫理の問題 Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors 環境庁の科学カウンセラーの解任 The travel ban ムスリムの旅行禁止 Family separation policy 違法入国者の親子引き離し Hurricane response in Puerto Rico プエルトリコのハリケーンの対応 Election security and hacking attempts 選挙の機密保護とハッキング White House security clearances ホワイトハウスのセキュリティクリアランス
These demands would turn the Trump White House into a 24/7 legal defense operation. こうした議会での追求が起こるとホワイトハウスは24/7 の法的防護体制に The bottom line: Thanks to their control of Congress, Republicans have blocked most of the Democrats’ investigative requests. But if the House flips, the GOP loses its power to stymie. Lawyers close to the White House tell me the Trump administration is nowhere near prepared for the investigatory onslaught that awaits them, and they consider it among the greatest threats to his presidency. Tom Hamburger / Washington Post: Attorney for Michael Cohen backs away from confidence that Cohen has information about Trump's knowledge on Russian efforts ? An attorney for Michael Cohen, President Trump's former lawyer, is backing away from confident assertions he made that Cohen has information to share with investigators ----------------------------------------------------------- Seth Abramson@SethAbramson・2h(NH大法学教授) I think many will misread this news. As I said earlier this week, Davis needs to walk back his claims because making those claims publicly hurt his client by (a) angering Mueller, and (b) teasing what Cohen has in a way that hurts his bargaining position.
Brian Klaas@brianklaas The fact that Donald Trump thinks disgraced convicted felon Paul Manafort is “brave” for not “breaking” under pressure from federal prosecutors, but attacks war hero John McCain, who didn’t break after being tortured in Vietnam, tells you all you need to know about Donald Trump.
Bill Kristol@BillKristol I trust that Trump's bitter envy of a far better man gnaws at his soul, such as it is. And I suspect that Trump is made miserable by the inescapable fact that McCain is admired by those whose admiration is worth having, while he is not.
? Oleg Morozov, member of the Federation Council’s Foreign Affairs Committee: “The enemy is dead… May the Lord accept his dark soul and determine its future.” “He was good in his hatred toward Russia. He was the symbol of contemporary overt anti-Russian thinking.”
次のツイートでは「グーグルなどは保守派の声を抑え、良質な情報やニュースを隠して いる」と続け、「国民に見えるものと見えないものを彼らがコントロールしている。こ れは非常に重大な状況であり、対処する!」と言明した。 原題:Trump Accuses Google of Rigging Search Results Against Him(抜粋)
Financial Times@FinancialTimes・1h Donald Trump has accused Google News of leftwing bias. It's 'rigged for me and others' the US president said in an early morning tweet ------------------------------------------------------------ Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump・2h Google search results for “Trump News” shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake New Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal? 96% of... ....results on “Trump News” are from National Left-Wing Media, very dangerous. Google & others are suppressing voices of Conservatives and hiding information and news that is good. They are controlling what we can & cannot see. This is a very serious situation-will be addressed!
>>184 Financial Times@FinancialTimes・31m Donald Trump said the US would stop war games with South Korea after his meeting with Kim Jong Un. The US defence secretary now says those war games are starting up again. Donald Trump falsely claimed to ‘remember Pearl Harbor’ as he ranted at Japanese PM: report Martin Cizmar MARTIN CIZMAR 28 AUG 2018 AT 12:01 ET “I’ve never heard him [trash]-talk Abe. And you can’t say that about a lot of the world leaders,” said a U.S. official who spoke anonymously. Abe has to hold Trump’s hand throughout conversations where he rages, the story says. “During heated exchanges, Japanese officials say Abe waits for Trump to make his point, and finds an opening later on in the conversation to rebut him,” the story says, because Abe “understands if he categorically denies what the president says, it might hurt the president’s pride.”
TheBeat w/Ari Melber@TheBeatWithAri・2h "Michael Cohen is cooperating with Mueller" Watergate Prosecutor @nickakerman breaks down why he believes Cohen may have entered a cooperation agreement in Mueller probe that's under seal: 動画→
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Our new Trade Deal with Mexico focuses on FARMERS, GROWTH for our country, tearing down TRADE BARRIERS, JOBS and having companies continue to POUR BACK INTO OUR COUNTRY. It will be a big hit!
Patrick Chovanec@prchovanec・4h Most of these things could have been accomplished a year ago by not quitting TPP, and with many other countries besides Mexico. Wall Street Journal: U.S. Probing Whether Malaysian Fugitive Laundered Funds to Pay Chris Christie and Trump Lawyer ? Jho Low under investigation for alleged embezzlement of $4.5 billion from 1MDB fund ? The U.S. Justice Department is investigating whether a fugitive Malaysian financier laundered tens 米国司法省はマレーシアのJho Lowが米国での弁護士費用支払いの為に1MDBの45億ドル の資金を使い込み、ニュージャージ州の前知事、クリス・クリスティやトランプ大統領の 法律家らにあてたかを調査中 WSJ
BFM News@NewsBFM・2h The Wall Street Journal reports that the US Justice Department is investigating if Jho Low used 1MDB funds he had allegedly embezzled to pay a US legal team that includes former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and a lawyer who represents President Donald Trump.
Michael Griffiths@mjgriffiths123・3h Another huge 1MDB sccop from the WSJ
●Ex-Goldman banker Ng was Asia managing director of Celsius ●Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing a key investor in drink firm
A former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. banker embroiled in the multibillion dollar 1MDB scandal has quietly vanished from the website of his last-known employer, a U.S. -based energy drinks company backed by Hong Kong’s richest man.
Roger Ng has been scrubbed off the website of Celsius Holdings Inc., where he was previously listed as managing director for Asia. Kathy Carliner, an outside spokeswoman for Celsius, declined to comment on the reasons for the removal, or on Ng’s employment status with the firm, as did Horizons Ventures, the venture capital arm of Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing, which is a key investor in Celsius. Representatives for Ng couldn’t be reached for comment.
Ng isn’t the only link that Celsius has to people connected with 1Malaysia Development Bhd., the fund at the center of a globe-spanning financial scandal that has infected corners of Wall Street and Hollywood. Another former Goldman Sachs banker, Tim Leissner, is a shareholder in the U.S. firm.
Anna Massoglia@annalecta・9m Justice Dept investigating if legal team with Chris Christie, longtime Trump lawyer Marc Kasowitz, Trump Org ethics adviser Bobby Burchfield & DC lobbyist were laundered millions from fugitive Malaysian financier who allegedly embezzled $4.5B from 1MDB WSJなどの報道によれば司法省は1MDBに関連の法律家チームを調査中で、クリス・ クリスティ、トランプ氏の長年の弁護士のMarc Kasowitz、トランプ同族企業の顧問 でロビイストのBobby Burchfieldらに支払う数百万ドルをJho Low がマネロンした疑い
Nicole Hong@nicole_hong・1h Jho Low has spent tens of millions of dollars to hire lawyers for the 1MDB investigation, including Chris Christie and Marc Kasowitz. DOJ is now investigating whether he used laundered money to pay them.
The team of lawyers and consultants working for Low included Christie, lobbyist Ed Rogers, Trump’s longtime lawyer Marc Kasowitz, Trump Organization lawyer Bobby Burchfield, and vice chairman of the Trump campaign’s joint fund with the Republican Party Elliott Broidy.
Jho Lowは、今や悪名高いマレーシアの国富ファンド1MDBの実質的の責任者 Jho Low Najib Razak gained the post of Malaysian Prime Minister in 2009. Soon, he became president of the board of advisers for 1MDB, the Malaysian sovereign wealth fund. Although Low never received an official position, he admits that he occasionally "consulted" with 1MDB, and was involved in a number of transactions connecting his own interests with those of 1MDB
Top White House officials and sources close to White House counsel Don McGahn tell Axios that McGahn will step down this fall ? after Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court, or after the midterms.
The big picture: That potentially puts a successor in charge of fielding a blizzard of requests or subpoenas for documents and testimony if Democrats win control of the House in the midterms. And if the White House winds up fighting special counsel Robert Mueller, an epic constitutional fight could lie ahead.
Be smart: McGahn has had, at times, a strained relationship with the president. A defender of McGahn's, who has been an uncomfortable bystander while the president has torn shreds off of McGahn, told Axios that McGahn did the best he could under very trying circumstances, and often had to bat back unreasonable and legally problematic requests. FBI: No evidence Clinton server hacked despite Trump tweet WASHINGTON (AP) ? The FBI said Wednesday that it has no evidence Hillary Clinton’s private email server was compromised even though President Donald Trump tweeted a news report that alleged the Chinese had hacked it. FBI:中国がヒラリー・クリントンの電子メールをハッキングした証拠はない Trump tweeted Tuesday evening about a report in the conservative Daily Caller that said a Chinese-owned company operating in the Washington area had hacked the server Clinton had used as secretary of state and obtained nearly all of her emails. An FBI official said Wednesday after the Daily Caller story and Trump tweet that the “FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised.”
The White House did not immediately comment on the FBI’s statement.
What Trump told Kim According to two people familiar with Trump and Kim’s discussions in Singapore during the June 12 summit, Trump promised the North Korean leader that he’d sign a peace declaration soon after they met. (The two sources requested anonymity to discuss sensitive negotiations.) It’s still unclear whether Kim requested this or if Trump brought it up, and whether Trump promised to sign the declaration by a certain date.
A source also noted that North Korea believes Trump made the same promise to Kim Yong Chol, a top North Korean official close to Kim Jong Un, at the White House on June 1 ? 11 days before the summit. 同じソースによれば、トランプ大統領は6月1日の金英哲(Kim Yong Chol)とのホワイト ハウスの会談でも同じ約束をしていたと北朝鮮が信じているという That tracks with Trump’s comments during a press conference in Singapore after meeting with Kim. “What we signed today had a lot of things included. You had things that were not included that we got after the deal was signed,” he said in response to a question about whether both leaders had discussed a peace agreement.
The “North Koreans are saying, ‘No, we agreed on a new relationship. And a declaration to end the war in Korea will be the most important token of [the] new relationship,’” said Moon. 韓国大統領顧問によれば朝鮮戦争終結宣言が北朝鮮の最重要の要求である North Korean government believes it is America’s “turn to reciprocate” after the North’s closure of a nuclear-test site and partial dismantlement of a missile-engine-test site, Moon told me. “If Kim Jong Un accepts those American terms then he would be losing his face to the North Korean military,” he said.
With hopes dashed for an end-of-war declaration during the Trump-Kim summit and later in July during the 65th anniversary of the Armistice Agreement, the Moon Jae In administration is now setting its sights on the United Nations General Assembly in late September in New York. “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if President Trump, President Xi Jinping, President Moon Jae In, and Chairman Kim Jong Un meet together at the United Nations [and] adopt the declaration to end the Korean War?” Moon Chung In asked. “That would be a really epochal event for peace and denuclearization in Korea.” 韓国の文政権は依然として朝鮮戦争終結宣言への米朝の署名を計画している
Robert E Kelly@Robert_E_Kelly・46m This just makes the Singapore meeting an even worse idea than it was 3 months ago when it was already a bad idea. Trump didn’t prep, made that ridiculous video bc he didn’t know what to say once he got there, and floated one concession after another including a peace deal. For /1
basically nothing. T didn’t even get the list of weapons and facilities we need to have some sense of what denuclearization would look like. Wow. Trump is even more incompetent than we thought. Can we please stop pretending T is some great negotiator? He basically offered up. /2
the farm - milex, removing USFK in time, a White House/UN visit, and, now we know, an end-of-war statement - for zippo. What a lazy, selfish sell-out. If you are South Korea and, especially, Japan, you gotta be shocked. Hawks will accuse Trump of appeasement soon. Awful. END
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday, without offering any evidence, accused NBC News of “fudging” a May 2017 interview in which he tied his decision to fire then-FBI Director James Comey to the federal probe into Russia’s alleged election interference. Representatives for NBC News, part of Comcast Corp (CMCSA.O), had no immediate comment. Representatives for the White House did not respond to a question about Trump’s accusation, which comes more than a year after his televised comments aired.
Trump had said he fired Comey because he wasn’t doing a good job. In the NBC interview, he raised the issue of the federal investigation of Russian election interference and said he was thinking of “this Russia thing” when he fired him.
Argentina's central bank on Thursday boosted its benchmark interest rate by 15 percentage points to 60% in an attempt to arrest a sharp drop by the peso, and said it wouldn't cut rates before December, according to news reports. The U.S. dollar traded at 36.994 pesos USDARS, +8.0921% a rise of 8.8% and had traded as high as 39.50 pesos, according to FactSet. The drop builds on a Wednesday plunge by the peso that followed a request by Argentina's president, Mauricio Macri, for the International Monetary Fund to speed up the payout of a $50 billion bailout package. (ry
David Cay Johnston@DavidCayJ・9h Breaking @nytimes news: Michael Cohen &@realDonaldTrump "devised a plan to buy up all the dirt on Mr. Trump that the National Enquirer... had collected on him, dating back to the 1980s, according to several of Mr. Trump’s associates."
Financial Times@FinancialTimes・5h Panasonic says Brexit is the reason for moving its European headquarters out of the UK ? a move that is expected to speed up plans for hundreds of other Japanese companies thinking of doing the same. パナソニックはBREXITを理由に、欧州本部を英国から引き上げる。日本の数百の企業が 検討中である同様の動きを加速させるとみられる Here’s the first post-primary poll of the race for Florida governor SCOTT POWERS 8 hours ago フロリダ州知事選挙の共和党、民主党の予備選の終了後の最初の世論調査 Andrew Gillum is breaking ahead of Ron DeSantis in the governor’s race, fueled by the early preference of Florida’s independent voters, according to the first publicly-released poll of the general election campaign season. A new poll produced by Public Policy Polling gives Gillum, the progressive Tallahassee mayor who rocked the Democratic Party on Tuesday, 48 percent, and DeSantis, the conservative Republican nominee running with President Donald Trump, 43 percent, in the opening days of the Nov. 6 election campaign. Gillum候補(民主党)=48%、DeSantis(共和党)候補=43% The poll, taken Wednesday and Thursday, shows Gillum starting with a commanding lead among independent voters. Party faithful are lining up pretty equally behind their nominees, and consequently Gillum’s early advantage appears built entirely from independent voters chosing him. Gillum候補(民主党)のリードは無党派層の支持によるところが大きい
I just cannot state strongly enough how totally dishonest much of the Media is. Truth doesn’t matter to them, they only have their hatred & agenda. This includes fake books, which come out about me all the time, always anonymous sources, and are pure fiction. Enemy of the People!
Richard N. Haass@RichardHaass・13h(外交評議会代表) This gives new meaning to phrase “cheap shot” as it signals public service not valued. It is already a sacrifice; this would only make recruiting and retention tougher. The $ saved too small to really affect deficit but enough to lose best and brightest.
Natasha Bertrand@NatashaBertrand(アトランティク記者) Trump’s attacks have shone a bright light on the expertise of the people investigating him: Russian organized crime. And conveniently for Putin, he’s persisted in making a spectacle of some of the Kremlin’s biggest adversaries in the US government. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump’s Top Targets in the Russia Probe Are Experts in Organized Crime Some of President Trump’s favorite targets in the Russia probe have spent their careers in the Justice Department and the FBI investigating organized crime and money laundering, particularly as they pertain to Russia. NATASHA BERTRAND AUG 30, 2018 トランプ大統領の攻撃するFBIの専門家は、ロシアの組織犯罪(マフィア)の調査の 専門家である。彼らのFBIのキャリアは組織犯罪とマネロンの捜査で築かれた;
Bruce Ohr. Lisa Page. Andrew Weissmann. Andrew McCabe. President Donald Trump has relentlessly attacked these FBI and Justice Department officials as dishonest “Democrats” engaged in a partisan “witch hunt” led by the special counsel determined to tie his campaign to Russia. But Trump’s attacks have also served to highlight another thread among these officials and others who have investigated his campaign: their extensive experience in probing money laundering and organized crime, particularly as they pertain to Russia. 大統領が攻撃する理由は Trump’s fixation with seeing Ohr ousted from the Justice Department could be perceived as yet another attempt to undermine the credibility of the people who have investigated him. It could also be interpreted as an attack on someone with deep knowledge of the shady characters Trump and his cohort have been linked to, including Semion Mogilevich, the Russian mob boss, and Oleg Deripaska, a Russian aluminum magnate close to Putin who did business with Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
31日の外為市場でインド・ルピーは最安値を更新。新興市場の通貨安で、投資家は経常 赤字国に注目している。 ルピーは一時1ドル=71ルピー台を記録し、月間ベースで3年ぶり大幅下落の方向。ム ンバイ時間午前9時2分(日本時間午後0時2分)時点は0.3%安の同70.8925ルピー。 原題:Rupee Set for Biggest Monthly Fall in 3 Years; Slides to Record(抜粋)
>>295 Kamala Harris@KamalaHarris・16h Republicans gave corporations a trillion dollar tax cut and are now cutting pay raises for social workers, janitors, painters, clerical workers, and more. It’s outrageous.
Amidst President Donald Trump’s ongoing threats to revoke security clearances from various critics, perhaps the most mysterious person on his enemy list is Bruce Ohr, the Justice Department lawyer who has repeatedly been a Trump target for reasons that have never been clearly articulated. Ohr has never criticized Trump as far as anyone is aware, and has worked at the Justice Department as an award-winning civil servant for nearly thirty years in Republican and Democratic administrations alike. トランプ大統領の猛烈に攻撃している司法省のBruce Ohrはトランプ大統領を批判したわけ ではなく普通の人は事情が理解できない It has been noted that Ohr had ties to the notorious Christopher Steele dossier and that his wife worked for Fusion GPS, which hired Steele, a former British agent, to investigate Trump. But there is quite likely another reason which could trouble Trump even more: Ohr’s job in the Justice Department involved facing off against Russian crime boss Semion Mogilevich whose operatives have been using Trump branded properties to launder millions of dollars for more than three decades. 一応の説明はBruce OhrがSteele dossierに関与し、妻がFusion GPSに勤めていたと言う ものだが、他に重要な理由があって、Bruce Ohrはロシアのオリガキーのボスである Semion Mogilevich の調査をし、彼の手先が30年にわたってトランプ不動産をマネロン に利用してきたことである(後略)
大統領支持率のセグメントごとの比率 Trump approval Now Career high Diff. White women, college degree 23% 40% -17 pts. 大卒女性・支持=23% White men, no college degree 55 70 -15 大卒未満男性・支持=55% Moderates 24 37 -13 穏健派・支持=24% College graduates 29 42 -13 Blacks 3 15 -12 White men, college degree 44 54 -10 Whites 45 54 -9 Men 42 49 -7 Democrats 6 13 -7 Conservatives 67 74 -7
OTHER GROUP RESULTS ? Trump’s approval rating is 12 points lower among women than men, and that gender gap is reflected elsewhere. As noted, 57 percent of women favor Congress initiating impeachment proceedings; that drops to 40 percent of men. 男性に比べ女性のトランプ支持率は12%低い。女性は議会による弾劾支持が57%、男性は40% Seventy percent of liberals support impeachment proceedings, declining to 51 percent of moderates and 30 percent of conservatives. Impeachment support is highest, a vast 80 percent, among blacks; 37 percent of whites agree. リベラル派の70%が弾劾支持、穏健派では51%、保守派は30%、黒人層では80%、白人層は37%
Citizens for Ethics@CREWcrew・14h Why is the Trump Organization spending $200 million on building a town in rural Scotland? Is it spending someone else’s money? Trump has been fined before for breaking money laundering rules... トランプ氏の家族企業がスコットランドの田舎に町を作るために2億ドルを投じるの は何故か?資金の出所は?トランプ氏にはマネロンで罰金を課された経歴も・・・
貿易を巡る争いで欧州をしのぐことができるかとの問いに、中国に対してと同様に勝利を 確信しているとしつつ、合意の用意はあり、欧州側もそうだろうと指摘。 「欧州は合意を切望している」と述べた。 原題:Trump Makes Clear EU Won’t Escape His Ire on Trade for Long (1)(抜粋)
Pedro da Costaさんがリツイート Geoff Ramsey@GRamsey_LatAm・13h Marco Rubio says there is a “very strong” argument to be made for considering a military option in #Venezuela . That’s a terrible idea. マルコ・ルビオ議員によれば、一部に、ベネズエラに軍事介入すべきという意見が 生まれている
スペイン語→英語の機械翻訳したもの Marco Rubio did not rule out the US military option in Venezuela: "Circumstances have changed" The Republican senator from Florida affirmed that the Nicolas Maduro regime "has become a threat to the region and even to the United States." He also talked about the situation in Nicaragua August 30, 2018
Just 36% say they approve of the job President Trump is doing, a 5-point drop from last month, according to the latest IBD/TIPP poll. Fifty six percent disapprove of Trump's job performance, up from 53% the month before. 最新の IBD/TIPPではトランプ大統領の支持率が先月度より5ポイント低下し36%となっ た。不支持率は先月の53%が60%に上昇した
Trump's Approval: Losing GOP Support 共和党支持者のトランプ大統領支持率が低下 Trump lost significant ground on job approval with Republicans this month, which fell from 83% last month to 76% this month. Among independents, Trump's approval dropped 4 points to 33%. Democratic approval has never been above the low single digits. 共和党支持者のトランプ大統領支持率は先月の83%が76%に急落した。無党派層ではトラ ンプ大統領支持率は4ポイント低下して33%になった。民主党支持者は一桁台の支持率。
He also saw a big drop in support from men (it went from 49% last month to 40% today). His backing among women, however, barely changed. It's currently 32%. セグメント別には男性のトランプ大統領支持率が49%から40%に急落している。女性の 支持率には変化がなく32%。
Regionally, his biggest losses came in the Northeast, where his approval rating dropped 12 points. In the West, his approval declined only 2 points. 地域別では北東部で支持率が最も落ち込み12%の低下を見た。西部では支持率低下は2%。 His support among rural dwellers plunged 15 points ? going from 60% to 45%. It fell 7 points among suburban voters to 35%. 田舎での大統領支持率は15%低下、60%が45%になった。郊外住民の支持率は7%低下し 35%。
Trump's sagging approval appears to be improving Democrats chances of taking control of the House after the midterm elections. Last month, the IBD/TIPP poll showed registered voters split at 45%-45% on whether Congress should be controlled by Republicans or Democrats. The current poll shows Democrats with an 11-point advantage. Fifty percent now say they'd prefer Congress controlled by Democrats, with 39% favoring Republican control. 先月まで下院の過半数支配の共和党・民主党の支持率は45%-45%であったが今では民主党 の過半数支配を支持する有権者が50%、共和党の過半数支配の支持が39%となり民主党に 11%の優位が生まれている(後略)
S&Pは発表資料で、「投資家の信頼向上に向けたさらなる措置がなければ、アルゼン チン通貨に対する最近の圧力は、経済調整措置の効果的な実施を脅かす恐れがある」と 分析した。 原題:Argentina May Be Cut Deeper Into Junk Amid Peso Plunge, S&P Says(抜粋)
What would happen if the US government withdrew? 米国がWTOから脱退すれば何が起こるのか Withdrawal would upend 60 years of trade diplomacy and could prove disastrous, according to trade experts at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. First, US exporters would lose critical market access around the world.(ry
NYT掲載の興味深い記事、最近の紛争の材料になっているBruce G. Ohr(司法省高官) Christopher Steele(元MI6諜報員)のロシアのプーチンに近いオリガキーのDeripaska の長年の関わりの全体像について、これまで報道されていない見取り図を与えるもの; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agents Failed to Flip Russian Oligarch. The Fallout Rippled Through U.S. Politics. Justice Department officials tried to turn the oligarch Oleg V. Deripaska into an informant as they sought information on Russian organized crime and, later, on possible Russian aid to President Trump’s 2016 campaign. By Kenneth P. Vogel and Matthew Rosenberg Sept. 1, 2018 諜報機関のエージェント等はロシアのオリガキーを西側への情報提供者にさせる試みに 失敗。その影響が現在の米国政治の諍いに及んでいる。司法省高官らはロシアのオリガ キーで組織犯罪に関わるOleg V. Deripaskaをインフォーマントにしようとしていたが、 彼は後年にトランプ選挙キャンペーンに関与かと見られていた;
WASHINGTON ? In the estimation of American officials, Oleg V. Deripaska, a Russian oligarch with close ties to the Kremlin, has faced credible accusations of extortion, bribery and even murder. They also thought he might make a good source. ロシアのOleg V. Deripaskaはクレムリンに近く情報ソースとして有望と見られていた
Between 2014 and 2016, the F.B.I. and the Justice Department unsuccessfully tried to turn Mr. Deripaska into an informant. 2014年から2016年に司法省は彼をインフォーマ ントにしようとしていた
In one dramatic encounter, F.B.I. agents appeared unannounced and uninvited at a home Mr. Deripaska maintains in New York and pressed him on whether Paul Manafort, a former business partner of his who went on to become chairman of Mr. Trump’s campaign, had served as a link between the campaign and the Kremlin. FBIのエージェントはニューヨークのDeripaskaの私邸に現れ、彼の以前のビジネスパー トナーのマナフォートがトランプ候補の選対本部長になった事から彼のクレムリンとの 関わりを聞いた。
Two of the players in the effort were Bruce G. Ohr, the Justice Department official who has recently become a target of attacks by Mr. Trump, and Christopher Steele, the former British spy who compiled a dossier of purported links between the Trump campaign and Russia. この一連の行動に司法省のBruce G. Ohrと元MI6のChristopher Steeleがあたっていて、 最近ではトランプ大統領や其の支持者から攻撃を受けている The contacts between Mr. Ohr and Mr. Steele were detailed in emails and notes from Mr. Ohr that the Justice Department turned over to Republicans in Congress earlier this year. A number of journalists, including some at conservative news outlets, have reported on elements of those contacts but not on the broader outreach program to the oligarchs or key aspects of the interactions between Mr. Ohr, Mr. Steele and Mr. Deripaska. Mr. Ohr and Mr. Steele が連絡をとっていた電子メールやノートがあって其れは司法省が 議会の調査委員会に提出したものだが、幾つかの大統領よりのメディアはこれを報道して いるが、より大きな構図であるMr. Deripaskaについて触れていない
The contacts between Mr. Steele and Mr. Ohr started before Mr. Trump became a presidential candidate and continued through much of the campaign. しかしMr. Steele and Mr. Ohrのコンタクトはトランプ氏が大統領選に出馬する以前からのもの で、それ以来続いている The timeline sketched out by Mr. Ohr shows contacts stretching back to when Mr. Ohr first met Mr. Steele in 2007. It also shows what officials said was the first date on which the two discussed cultivating Mr. Deripaska: a meeting in Washington on Nov. 21, 2014, roughly seven months before Mr. Trump announced that he was running for president. Mr. Ohr がMr. Steeleに最初にあったのは2007年で両者がMr. Deripaskaについて最初に議論 したのは2014年11月、トランプ氏が大統領選出馬を宣言する9ヶ月前である
The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an initiative that remains classified. Most expressed deep discomfort, saying they feared that in revealing the attempts to cultivate Mr. Deripaska and other oligarchs they were undermining American national security and strengthening the grip that Mr. Putin holds over those who surround him. Mr. Deripaskaをインフォーマントにしようと試みたことは諜報上の機密で、公開されてこなかった
But they also said they did not want Mr. Trump and his allies to use the program’s secrecy as a screen with which they could cherry-pick facts and present them, sheared of context, to undermine the special counsel’s investigation. That, too, they said they feared, would damage American security. しかし司法省や諜報機関はトランプ大統領らがMr. Deripaskaを取り巻く構図の機密性を利用して Mr. Ohr や Mr. Steele等の行動を非難攻撃することを快く思っていない
The program was led by the F.B.I. Mr. Ohr, who had long worked on combating Russian organized crime, was one of the Justice Department officials involved. Mr. OhrはFBIで長年、ロシアの組織犯罪捜査にあたってきた専門家
Mr. Steele served as an intermediary between the Americans and the Russian oligarchs they were seeking to cultivate. He had first met Mr. Ohr years earlier while still serving at MI6, Britain’s foreign spy agency, where he oversaw Russia operations. After retiring, he opened a business intelligence firm, and had tracked Russian organized crime and business interests for private clients, including one of Mr. Deripaska’s lawyers. Mr. SteeleはMI6勤務時にMr. Ohrに出会い、当時はロシアのオペレーションを監督していた。 (後略)
Christopher Wylie @chrisinsilico BREAKING: Ex-Cambridge Analytica contractor Sam Patten just charged by FBI after Mueller referral. This guy was responsible for CA operations in the US that involved covertly testing US voter attitudes on Putin's leadership... I know there's more to come... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert Mueller got another cooperator Sam Patten, an associate of Paul Manafort and Cambridge Analytica, struck a plea deal. By Andrew [email protected] Updated Aug 31, 2018, 2:07pm EDT モラー特別検察官は新たな協力者を得た:ポールマナフォートの補佐でケンブリッジ・ アナリティカの協力者、Sam Pattenは有罪を認め司法取引に応じた
The Mueller investigation has resulted in yet another plea deal. Sam Patten, a Republican lobbyist, pleaded guilty Friday to violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act in his unregistered work for a Ukrainian politician and a Ukrainian oligarch ? and agreed to cooperate with the government. ウクライナのオリガキーのために未登録のロビー活動を行い法に反した Also like Manafort, Patten worked closely with Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian national who Mueller claims is tied to Russian intelligence services. (Mueller indicted Kilimnik alongside Manafort this year for attempted witness tampering, but he is overseas and has not been 彼はまたロシアの諜報員のKonstantin Kilimnikと親しく活動 Intriguingly, Patten is also tied to the controversial political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica. Patten told the Daily Beast earlier this year that he worked with the company in its 2014 US elections work and on “several overseas campaigns.” 彼はケンブリッジ・アナリティカで働いた経験がある
.@Rasmussen_Poll just came out at 48% approval rate despite the constant and intense Fake News. Higher than Election Day and higher than President Obama. Rasmussen was one of the most accurate Election Day polls!
Emily Jane Fox@emilyjanefox・8h(ヴァイティ・フェア記者) A year ago today, I had breakfast with Michael Cohen at a coffee shop in Water Mill, where he told me he’s the guy who protects Trump, the one who’d take a bullet for him. Here’s the interview, for a look at how much can change in a trip around the sun. Inner Circle MICHAEL COHEN WOULD TAKE A BULLET FOR DONALD TRUMP In advance of his congressional testimony, Trump’s personal lawyer wants the world to know that his loyalty to the president is deep and unwavering, and then some. “I’d never walk away,” he says. BY EMILY JANE FOX SEPTEMBER 6, 2017 4:04 PM
>>371 Nate Silver@NateSilver538・9月1日 Couple of further polls came out after I wrote this, and this is looking more like it *might* be a real downtick and not just noise. Still, best to wait a week or two.
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump ....Remember, NAFTA was one of the WORST Trade Deals ever made. The U.S. lost thousands of businesses and millions of jobs. We were far better off before NAFTA - should never have been signed. Even the Vat Tax was not accounted for. We make new deal or go back to pre-NAFTA!
これに対して: Scott Lincicome@scottlincicome 1993 (PRE-NAFTA)/2018 US GDP: $10T/18.5T GDP per capita: $38.5k/56.5k Non-farm jobs: 112M/149M Median weekly earnings: $319/351 Mfg output (indexed): 73/106 Source: @stlouisfed
Roberto Rocha · CBC News · Posted: Aug 03, 2018 4:40 PM ET | Last Updated: August
Two American researchers recently pulled together some 3 million archived tweets associated with the St. Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency. They shed further light on how the now-notorious troll farm sought to sow discord not only among Americans, but Canadians as well. (Leon Neal/Getty Images)
In the fall of 2017, when Americans were debating if athletes should kneel during the U.S. national anthem as a form of protest, Russian trolls on Twitter tried to inject the controversy into Canada. Reid J. Epstein / Wall Street Journal Sept. 2, 2018 7:00 a.m. ET GOP's Tough Task in House Races: Reach Beyond Trump's Base ? Endangered Republicans must find supporters who will vote for them even though they disapprove of the president ? One of the biggest questions facing House Republicans seeking re-election in November is this: How popular is President Trump in their district? 中間選挙で共和党は下院の過半数支配を巡ってタフな戦いを強いられる 地位の危うい共和党下院議員候補は、トランプ支持層の外にも支持者を見つけなくては ならない。現職共和党下院議員の問うてみるべき最大の質問は、この選挙区での大統領 の支持はどのくらいか; WSJ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You are here: Home / 2018 Campaign / Bonus Quote of the Day Bonus Quote of the Day 今日の注目すべき発言 9月2日 September 2, 2018 at 11:48 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 11 Comments “If you look at our battlefield, 55 districts, the president is underwater in every one of those 55 districts across America.” ? DCCC Chairman Ben Ray Lujan, quoted by the Wall Street Journal. 「中間選挙の下院の55の激戦区について見てみると、この選挙区の全てにおいて 大統領支持率は水面下(=不支持が支持を上回る)である」 Ben Ray LujanがWSJの記者に語って
Around two weeks ago, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu privately conveyed a message to the White House stressing that Israel's position regarding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has changed ? and that it now supports a complete cut of all U.S. funding to the agency, which gives aid to Palestinian refugees, Israeli officials told me. The officials added Netanyahu communicated with the Trump administration without consulting Israel's security chiefs. 2週間前にネタニエフ首相がホワイトハウスに対して国連のパレスチナ難民支援機構への 米国からの資金援助の停止を要請していた。この要請はイスラエルの国家安全保障部署 への相談ぬきで行われた
Why it matters: As with almost every past U.S. administration, Israel's position plays important part in White House's decision making on Israeli-Palestinian issues. Until several weeks ago, the Israeli policy was that any cut in American funding of UNRWA should be gradual and without any aid cuts to Gaza, thanks to the fear of a humanitarian collapse and an escalation on the ground. This position was supported by the IDF, the Shin Bet intelligence service and by the Israeli Ministry of Defense. For a long time, this was also the position conveyed to the White House and Congress by Israeli officials. 従来はパレスチナ難民への米国からの支援の変更は漸進的であるべきでガザ地区への打ち 切りを避ける(紛争のエスカレーションを避けるため)とするのがイスラエル軍、イスラ エル諜報組織、国防相の方針であった。この方針は長年、ホワイトハウスや議会に通知さ れて来たものである。
The Israeli officials also told me Netanyahu decided on the policy shift without any discussion in the Israeli security cabinet and without any substantial consultation with the heads of the IDF and Israel's security and intelligence services. The officials said many senior defense and intelligence officials in Israel were caught by surprise by the policy shift and did not see it coming. イスラエル政府高官によればネタニエフ首相の決断は安全保障や諜報組織、閣僚らとの 相談なしに行われ、イスラエル軍と諜報組織の高官らが驚いている。
The former president of the NRA and his wife worked with Maria Butina on a scheme to sell jet fuel that got Butina on the FBI’s radar and highlighted the link between the NRA and Russia、The New York Times reported: この商談の仲介事件がFBIのMaria Butina捜査の切っ掛けになったとNYTが報道
For the young Russian gun rights activist studying in the United States, it would have been an unimaginably rich payday: $1 million to help broker the sale of Russian jet fuel to an American middleman. All she had to do was secure the fuel. 仲介の手数料は100万ドルとされていた
この前NRA代表、David Keeneは大物の保守派論客で・・・ Ms. Butina’s efforts to deal in Russian jet fuel, detailed in hundreds of pages of previously unreported emails, were notable not just for their whiff of foreign intrigue but for who they involved: David Keene, a former president of the National Rifle Association and a prominent leader of the conservative movement, who has advised Republican candidates from Ronald Reagan to Mitt Romney. They also involved Mr. Keene’s wife, Donna, a well-connected Washington lobbyist, and Ms. Butina’s boyfriend, Paul Erickson, who ran Patrick J. Buchanan’s 1992 presidential campaign and who moved in rarefied conservative circles despite allegations of fraud in three states.
Omarosa taped nearly every conversation she had while working in the White House, including ones with "all of the Trumps," a source who watched her make many of the tapes tells Axios. Omarosa did this with a personal phone, almost always on record mode. Why it matters: Omarosa is far from the only White House staffer to exploit lax internal oversight and loose loyalties to collect damaging info on Trump and others. And we know of several staffers who took careful notes for future deployment.
Financial Times@FinancialTimes・1h Boris Johnson has called Theresa May's Brexit plan a 'disaster'. Conservative MPs will discuss an alternative plan as they return to parliament this week
Regarding the geographic distribution of the predatory journals by country, our sample includes 16 countries or regions in Asia, among which India produces 235 journals, over 78% of all the total number. A distant second is Pakistan with 17 journals (about 6%), followed by Iran with 9 journals (about 3%) and Turkey with eight (about 2.7%).
Predatory journals developed in India have not only allowed many domestic researchers to accumulate a satisfactory record of publications, but also successfully attracted authors from China for several reasons. In the past two decades, various internationalization policies developed and implemented by the Chinese government and institutions helped push researchers to submit their publications to open access journals based outside of China and published in English. Because English is an official language in India, their journals are typically in English, the standard language in scholarly publishing in the world. Also, publishing in an India journal is considered “international” by the Chinese standard. The quick and easy publishing promised by predatory journals seem to be an appropriate venue, and the benefit for academic advancement of Chinese authors outweighs the APC costs.
As briefly mentioned above, the situation in China is contradictory: there are few predatory journals published in China, but there are many China-based authors who publish in the predatory journals of other countries. In fact, China has suffered from a huge number of so called profit-seeking trash journals, as well as a flawed academic evaluation system (Lin & Zhan, 2014). However, this extraordinary practice has not attracted international attention because (1) they were mainly published in Chinese and (2) the government was serious about “raising academic standards and weeding out slapdash and irrelevant publications” (Hvistendahl, 2011, p. 301).
Rasmussen Reportsさんがリツイート: Donald J. Trump認証済みアカウント @realDonaldTrump 2018年9月1日 > just came out at 48% approval rate despite the constant and intense Fake News. > Higher than Election Day and higher than President Obama. > Rasmussen was one of the most accurate Election Day polls!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Two long running, Obama era, investigations of two very popular Republican Congressmen were brought to a well publicized charge, just ahead of the Mid-Terms, by the Jeff Sessions Justice Department. Two easy wins now in doubt because there is not enough time. Good job Jeff...... 3:25 AM - Sep 4, 2018 中間選挙を前にとてもポピュラーな共和党の下院議員が起訴されている。
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump ....The Democrats, none of whom voted for Jeff Sessions, must love him now. Same thing with Lyin’ James Comey. The Dems all hated him, wanted him out, thought he was disgusting - UNTIL I FIRED HIM! Immediately he became a wonderful man, a saint like figure in fact. Really sick! 民主党はセッションズ司法長官を愛しているに違いない。嘘つきのコーミー前FBI 長官と同じことだ。私が彼を解雇するまでは彼を憎んでいたのに。解雇された途端 に素敵な聖人のように扱われる。とても酷い。 3:39 AM - Sep 4, 2018
A spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan seems to side with Sessions - who pronounced last month that the DOJ should be free from political influence - and backed the recent indictments of two sitting GOP congressmen. 共和党下院議長のポール・ライアンのスポークスマンは司法の政治からの独立を言 うセッションズ司法長官を擁護
"DOJ should always remain apolitical, and the speaker has demonstrated he takes these charges seriously," Ryan spokeswoman AshLee Strong said in a statement to ABC News. "For more, you can ask him at his press conferences this week.” 「司法省は常に非政治的であるべきで、下院議長はこの事を重大視してきた」
オバマ政権下で国防長官と中央情報局(CIA)長官を歴任したパネッタ氏は、6月の米 朝首脳会談は「全てがショーのためだった。握手して、言葉をかわすことが全てだった」 とし、そのような重要な会合が開催される前に必要だった下地となる作業がなされていな かったと指摘。基盤となる外交作業がなお必要だと述べた。 原題:Panetta Calls Trump’s Summit With North Korea’s Kim a Failure(抜粋)
WASHINGTON ? The political landscape for the midterm elections favors Democrats in general and women candidates in particular, a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll finds, raising the prospect of significant perils for President Trump with the next Congress. USA TODAY/Suffolk大学の世論調査によれば中間選挙に向けて民主党優勢の政治状況が現れ ていて、トランプ大統領にとっては凶兆である。女性候補に追い風が見られる。
At the traditional Labor Day start of the campaign’s fall sprint, those surveyed said by 50 percent-39 percent that they were more likely to vote for the Democratic congressional candidate in their district, not the Republican one. That double-digit advantage, if it holds, would probably enable Democrats to win control of the House, giving them the power to launch investigations and even consider impeachment of the president. 民主党と共和党への有権者の支持は50%対39%で、民主党に2桁の優位が有る。これが選挙 当日まで維持されるなら下院の民主党過半数支配につながる。其れは議会でのトランプ大統 領への疑惑調査の動きを強める
By 58 percent to 34 percent, those surveyed said they wanted to elect a Congress that mostly stands up to Trump rather than one that mostly cooperates with him. トランプ大統領に対して議会が対立的であることを望むか、それとも協調的であることを 望むかを聞くと、58%対34%で大統領に対抗的な議会が支持されている
The president's job-approval rating was 40 percent approve, 56 percent disapprove. Those who "strongly disapprove" of how Trump is handling his job hit the highest level of his presidency in the USA TODAY poll, at 44 percent. That's more than double the 19 percent who said they "strongly approve." 大統領支持率は支持40%、不支持56%で「強く不支持」は44%に達している。これは 「強く支持」の19%の倍以上である。
The political world was greeted Tuesday morning with some new polling information that will send shockwaves throughout Washington, D.C.. In the generic congressional ballot Democratic House candidates now lead their Republican opponents nationally by 52-38 percent among registered voters in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll.
“JUST IN: Democratic House candidates lead their Republican opponents nationally by 14 points among registered voters in a new @ABC News/Washington Post poll?their widest advantage in midterm election vote preferences since 2006.” この14%のギャップは2006年以降の最大になる。 Democrats lost 63 House seats in Obama’s first midterms and 52 in Clinton’s. And in 2006, when the Democrats last held pre-election leads as high theirs now, they gained 31 seats.
With Trump’s unpopularity at record high in “swing” congressional districts this means the majority of people plan to vote for Democrats.
Joe Weisenthal@TheStalwart・2h 'In one small group meeting, Kelly said of Trump: “He’s an idiot. It’s pointless to try to convince him of anything. He’s gone off the rails. We’re in Crazytown. I don’t even know why any of us are here. This is the worst job I’ve ever had.”' 「首席補佐官のケリーはトランプ氏について『彼は愚かで、何事かを彼に納得させよう とすることは意味がない。彼は通常のレールを外れる。我々は気違い街にいるので、私 は何で我々がここにいるのか解らない。これは生涯で最悪の仕事だ』と語った」
Robert Costa@costareports・2h “Mattis was particularly exasperated and alarmed, telling close associates that the president acted like ? and had the understanding of ? ‘a fifth- or sixth-grader.’?” 「マチス国防長官は特に憤慨し、また警戒していて彼の側近に、トランプ大統領は 『小学5年生か6年生くらい』の子供のように理解し行動すると語った」
Trump called former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus a “little rat” who “scurries around” 首席補佐官のレインス・プレイバースを、「ちょこちょこ走り回る」「小鼠」 Trump said former Former National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster dresses like a “beer salesman” マクマスター国家安全保障補佐官を「ビールのセールスマンのような服装」 Trump told Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross that he was “past his prime” and that he didn’t trust him to make deals ロス商務長官に「全盛期を過ぎた男で取引を任せるよに信頼できない」 Trump said that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is “mentally retarded” and a “dumb Southerner” セッションズ司法高官を「精神的に遅れている間抜けな南部人」 White House staffers often mock the President behind his back and fight internally ホワイトハウスのスタッフは屡々、大統領の影で彼を嘲り、内部で争う Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said that Trump has the understanding of “a fifth or sixth grader” マチス国防長官はトランプ大統領の理解力を小学5年生か6年生くらいという Chief of Staff John Kelly called Trump an “idiot” and said that being his chief of staff was “the worst job” he ever had ケリー首席補佐官は大統領を愚かといい首席補佐官の仕事は生涯最悪の経験という Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon called Ivanka Trump just a “goddamn staffer” ?she retorted that as first daughter, she would never be a regular staffer バノン前首席戦略官はイヴァンカをトンデモスタッフという、大統領の長女であって正規 のスタッフではない Trump told Mattis to “fucking kill” Assad トランプ大統領はマチス国防相に「アサドをぶっ殺せ」 Trump waffled on testifying for the Mueller probe, frustrating legal team トランプ大統領はモラー特別検察官の調査に、曖昧な態度で法律家チームをフラストレートさせる
Gary Cohn was the director of the National Economic Council from January 2017 through March 2018, a role that made him the White House's top economic advisor. ゲイリー・コーンは2017−2018・3月のホワイトハウスのトップの経済政策担当 A new book says Cohn took a letter off President Trump's desk that would have withdrawn the U.S. from a trade agreement with South Korea and he took a draft notification of a U.S. withdrawal from NAFTA. 暴露本によれば彼は大統領の机から韓国とのFTA破棄や米国のNAFTAからの脱退通知草案の 書簡を取り去った Cohn told former White House aide Rob Porter "I can stop this." コーンは前ホワイトハウスの顧問のRob Porterに「私は此れを阻止できる」と語った Liz Moyer Published 3 Hours Ago Updated 34 Mins Ago
"If they said it, they should be questioning why they are there,” Giuliani told CNBC in an interview. “Why don't they go get another job? That's the kind of disloyalty that leads to you leaving, not staying and undermining the president.”
Bill Kristol@BillKristol・52m(保守系論客、ウイークリースタンダード編集者) ウッドワードのトランプ大統領の暴露本について It's as bad as we thought, and as bad as we feared.
1. I think, in light of Bob Woodward's book, that this editorial from May 2017 stands up pretty well. "Donald Trump is an embarrassment. It would be better for the country if he were president for at most one term....
2. "Many individuals we admire have joined his administration, or have stayed on since his taking over the reins of the executive....These individuals signed on or stayed on only incidentally to work for Donald Trump. They signed on or stayed on to serve their country.
3. "These honorable men and women have a tough job....They should serve in office as long as they can do good. If they find it necessary to leave as a matter of principle, they should of course do so. But in either case, they will deserve the thanks of their fellow citizens."
???????????????? @gypsysoul214・3h Well, he released the audio of him talking to Trump about the book and he tells him in that 11 minute recording that he has taped his interviews and they're all first-hand sources. In that recording, Trump contradicts himself, not Woodward.
11日に発売される著書「恐怖:ホワイトハウスのトランプ(Fear: Trump in the White House)」の抜粋が4日のワシントン・ポスト(WP)紙に掲載された。 同書ではトランプ氏について、衝動的な意思決定を下しがちで、有害で危険な行動を防 ぐため側近が時に大統領の指示を無視する状況が描写されている。
Although President Donald Trump has started attacking the credibility of reporter Bob Woodward and his new book, “Fear: Trump in the White House,” at least one of his top advisers believes Woodward has the goods on the Trump White House. トランプ大統領は暴露本のウッドワードの信頼性について攻撃を始めているものの 側近の一人は其の本の内容を信頼できるとする
The Washington Post reports that Conway has privately been telling people that “Woodward was credible and that his book could be damaging.” ワシントン・ポストはKellyanne Conwayが周囲に「ウッドワードは信頼でき、この 本はダーメージを与え得る」と語っている Another former Trump official, who spoke with the Post on condition of anonymity, admitted that there is nothing in Woodward’s book that strikes them as untrue or implausible given their own experiences working within the Trump White House. 別の前ホワイトハウスのスタッフはワシントン・ポストに語って、自分の経験に照ら して、この本の内容を真実でないとか、ありそうにないとは思は無いという “I’m not sure why everyone is acting so shocked,” the official told the publication. 『この本の内容がショッキングだという人の事がわからない」
At this point, chief of staff John Kelly and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis are in his favor, per CNN. Former national security adviser H.R. McMaster and former economic adviser Gary Cohen are reportedly objects of his suspicion. 前国家安全保障顧問のマクマスターや、国家経済評議会議長のゲイリー・コーンが疑わ しいとされている New York Times: I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration ? We work for the president but we have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations. … President Trump is facing a test to his presidency unlike any faced by a modern American leader. ? It's not just that the special counsel looms large.
【9月6日 AFP】匿名の米政府高官が5日付の米紙ニューヨーク・タイムズ(New York Times)への寄稿で、ドナルド・トランプ(Donald Trump)米大統領の「常軌を逸した」 「非道徳的」な言動に対し、側近らが危機感を募らせ、トランプ氏を弱体化させようと積 極的に動いていると述べた。トランプ氏は直ちに、署名のないこの論説を「意気地なし」 と批判した。 前日には、ホワイトハウス(White House)の職員らが、トランプ氏の衝動的な行動を抑 えようと常に必死になっている現状をつづった暴露本が出版されたばかり。 寄稿は、「私はトランプ政権内の抵抗運動に加わっている(I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration)」と題されているが、側近らは共和党の指針に忠実に 従っているのであって、民主党に味方しているわけではないと強調している。
日系米人政治学者、フランシス・フクヤマ氏の新著が9月11日に発売される。筆者は発売 前に入手した。タイトルは 『Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment』 (アイデンティティ:尊厳への要求と憤りの政治)。 2011年に出版された『Political Order and Political Decay』以来7年ぶり。ドナルド・ト ランプ政権が発足して以降初めてとなる。 (略) ●アングロサクソン国家に現出した「大衆ナショナリズム」の正体 Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment by Francis Fukuyama Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2018 実は、同氏は本書の構想を練っていたとされる2017年春、ワシントン・ポスト紙とのイン タビューで2016年の米大統領選結果についてこう述べていた。 「自由民主主義の古典的なアングロサクソン国家(英米)でポピュリスト・ナショナリズム (大衆民族主義)の波が生まれた事実は驚き以外のなにものでもない」 「トランプ氏は、大統領職を全うするための準備もなく、その激しい気性や気質は到底大統 領としては不適格な人物だ」 「国際秩序を堅持するための米国の役割について公然と異議を唱えた米大統領はトランプ氏 が初めてだ」 ("Francis Fukuyama: Democracy Needs Elites," Alexander Gorlach, Washington Post, 3/2/2017、
AG Sessions as its favorite at 5-to-2. He was followed by Pence (3-to-1), Kelly (4-to-1), Mattis (4-to-1), UN Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley (10-to-1), “Javanka” (15-to-1), Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats (15-to-1), White House counsel Don McGahn (15-to-1), Melania Trump (50-to-1) and White House counselor Kellyanne Conway (50-to-1). Bovada listed President Trump, himself, as the potential mole and Times writer at 25-to-1.
I asked him who investigators and reporters should be focussing on?who in Trump’s inner circle would know if the President had violated the law in his business dealings. 私はトランプ氏のインナー・サークルを熟知するある男に、次の操作が何処に向かうと 思うかを尋ねた This man told me about the door to Trump’s office in Trump Tower. The door was always open, with people streaming in and out. “Every schmo in the Trump Organization would run in with the newest and stupidest of information,” the man told me. He said that people would sometimes show up at Trump Tower, take an elevator to the organization’s main office, on the twenty-sixth floor, and tell a receptionist that they had an idea for Donald Trump; now and again, they’d find themselves sitting with the Donald himself, sharing their pitch. 彼はトランプ同族企業にアイデアを売り込みたい人は、トランプタワー26階の同企業 のメインオフィスを訪れるのだという The people allowed inside the room when the door was closed were the ones who would know Trump’s secrets, this man told me. And those people were always the same: Ivanka, Donald, Jr., and Allen Weisselberg. It’s possible to reconstruct what at least some of those closed-door conversations might have covered by examining what has been made public through legal action and investigative reporting. この同族企業に迎え入れられたトランプ氏の秘密を知り得る人になる。それらを知る 人は常に同じで、イヴァンカ、トランプ長男、そして(CFOの)ワイセルバガ−であ る。この同族企業の中の会話を捜査できるなら新たな展開があり得る
The one person who likely knew as much or more than Weisselberg about recent business, aside from Trump himself, is Ivanka?“she knows a million times more than Don, Jr.,” my source said. Ivanka personally handled many of the most problematic deals. She was the point person, for example, on the Trump project in Azerbaijan and worked closely with the Mammadov family when they were suspected of laundering money for Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. この同族企業の行動についてワイセルバーガー以上に事情を知る人はイヴァンカである。 彼女はトランプ長男の100万倍の事情を知るという。イヴァンカは問題の多い取引を取 り扱っていて、例えばアゼルバイジャンのプロジェクトとか、イランの革命防衛隊のた めにマネロンを行う疑惑を言われるMammadov一家との近しい関係がある。 She oversaw a licensing deal in Vancouver with a prominent Malaysian whose father was convicted of financial fraud?a deal that government-watchdog groups say may violate the foreign-emoluments clause. The partner in Ivanka’s own jewelry business is now being sued by the Department of Justice for more than sixty million dollars in unpaid tax liabilities. 彼女はマレーシアの有名な一家、其の主人が金融詐欺事件で起訴されているーと共に、 バンクーバーのライセンス取引に関わり、彼女の行うジュエリー・ビジネスのパートナー は現在、600万ドル以上の詐欺事件で司法省に起訴されている
He then named Rhona Graff, Trump’s longtime executive assistant. She was the interface between Trump and the rest of the world: she answered and made his phone calls, read and wrote his e-mails, ushered people into his office, and scheduled his out-of-office interactions. Graff may not know the details of any particular deal, but she?more than anyone else?could reconstruct Trump’s social, business, and political network. このソースは事情を知る人として、次にトランプ氏の長年の側近のRhona Graffをあげた。 彼女はトランプ氏と世界とのインターフェイスでトランプ氏への電話や電子メールに対応 しスケジュールを作り訪問客をオフィスに案内し、事務作業を行う。彼女は取引の詳細を 知らないかもしれないが彼女はトランプ氏の社会的な、ビジネスの、そして政治的なネッ トワークを最もよく知る。
Jason Greenblatt, who became the organization’s head lawyer in 2009, may be an exception; he may know a fair bit about Trump’s more troubling deals. Greenblatt’s rise came just as the Trump Organization was in the early stages of its frenzy of overseas dealmaking with people who were convicted of crimes or whose past deals showed potential signs of money laundering, sanctions violations, and other financial crimes. Greenblatt, several Trump Organization lawyers told me, was responsible for conducting due diligence on partners. 弁護士についていうとJason Greenblattg2009年以降に例外的に多くのトランプ氏の取引 に関わり、其れ等の事情を知る人である George Sorial, a Trump Organization executive vice-president, might be first among these dealmakers as a person of interest who, like Cohen, is also a lawyer. He handled the Trump International Golf Links development, in Scotland, and was involved with the fraudulent Trump University. トランプ同族企業の副社長のGeorge Sorialもスコットランドのゴルフ場開発などの取引 に関わるキイマンである The last category is body men. Long before he ran for President, Trump travelled with men who served as bodyguards and sometimes also handled unpleasant tasks. Keith Schiller was Trump’s bodyguard from 1999 until Trump became President. 最後にトランプ氏に常に同行するボディガードがあってKeith Schillerは1999年から トランプ氏の大統領就任までのボディガードである
During a phone call with President Donald Trump, WSJ columnist James Freeman noted that the president sounded "still very focused on eliminating trade deficits with America's trading partners." 大統領は日本の対米貿易黒字に依然として非常に拘っているという
Trump "described his good relations with the Japanese leadership but then added: 'Of course that will end as soon as I tell them how much they have to pay," Freeman quotes the president saying. 日本の指導者とトランプ大統領の関係は良好だがWSJ記者の大統領発言の引用によれば 「私が彼に、如何に彼らがつけを支払わなくてはならないかを告げると、其れは終わり」
The president has already created significant waves with Canadian, Mexican, Chinese and European trading partners, slapping tariffs on imports and threatening to walk away from decades-old agreements. トランプ大統領は既にカナダ、メキシコ、中国、欧州諸国の貿易相手国に関税賦課や 長年の協定の破棄などを通じて荒波を立てている
トランプ米大統領は6日の電話で、日本の指導者との良好な関係について語る一方、 「もちろん私が彼らに対し、彼らがどれだけ支払う必要があるか告げた途端に終わるだろ う」と述べた。米紙ウォールストリート・ジャーナル(WSJ)のジェームズ・フリーマ ン記者がオピニオン記事で伝え、トランプ大統領が依然として対日貿易に悩まされている ようだと指摘した。 原題:Trump Seemed ‘Bothered’ with Japan Trade Ties in Phone Call: WSJ(抜粋)
A new Economist/YouGov poll finds 53% of voters disapprove of President Trump’s job performance while just 38% approve. What is more, the share of voters who say they “strongly disapprove” of Trump has increased by five points, from 37% to 42%, over the past few weeks. 数週間前の調査に比べて「強く不支持」が37%から42%に増加
Key finding: “The decline in the president’s numbers stems largely from a change among college-educated whites. These voters will have a disproportionate weight in the upcoming midterm elections to the House of Representatives, both because they show up at polling booths and because so many of them live in marginal congressional districts. In the same poll, 49% of college-educated whites support Democratic candidates for the House (the generic ballot), while 40% support the Republicans. These are awful numbers for Republicans: the president is contagious.” キイとなる事項:支持率低下の大きな要素は大卒白人層の支持の低下による。大卒 白人層の49%が中間選挙の下院議員選挙で民主党を支持している。共和党の支持は 40%である。
外交評議会CFR代表、リチャード・ハース Richard N. Haass認証済みアカウント@RichardHaass We learned after that aides of Nixon ignored some of his directives they thought unwise. Now we’ve learned in real time that aides around @realDonaldTrump are doing this. So has he-which makes it likely he will look to show he’s still in charge. The op-ed writer did us no favor.
Richard N. Haass認証済みアカウント @RichardHaass In Woodward book, Egypt’s Sisi says “Donald. I’m worried about this investigation. Will you be around?” Now he, others are reading the anon op-ed. So we have uncertainty about @realDonaldTrump future combined w uncertainty over the present. US cannot be effective in the world. ウッドワードの暴露本によればエジプトのSisi大統領は「ドナルド、私は疑惑捜査に ついて心配だ。貴方は、このままで大丈夫か?」と語った。今や彼とか、その他の 人々がNYTに掲載の評論を読み、トランプ大統領を取り巻く不確実性が増している。 それは、世界における米国外交の効果性を損なう。
Donald J. Trump認証済みアカウント @realDonaldTrump Kim Jong Un of North Korea proclaims “unwavering faith in President Trump.” Thank you to Chairman Kim. We will get it done together! 北朝鮮の金正恩は『トランプ大統領に不動の信頼』を寄せるという。有難う、金正恩議長。 我々は一緒にうまくやれる。
Robert E Kelly認証済みアカウント @Robert_E_Kelly(釜山大学教授、朝鮮半島政治学) 5時間5時間前 The world’s worst totalitarian government get this, while the Canadians get a special place in hell. WTH is going on? 世界最悪の全体主義国家が米国大統領に感謝される。其の一方、カナダは地獄に落ちるという。 一体どういうこと?
President Trump told reporters on Air Force One that he thinks Attorney General Jeff Sessions should investigate who the anonymous writer of the New York Times op-ed is, claiming it is a national security concern, according to the AP.
The big picture: Trump has already tried to claim that not revealing the identity of the op-ed writer poses a national security concern, although he has yet to specify how. He has also said he considers the act treasonous.
The numbers: The United States created 201,000 new jobs in August, keeping the unemployment rate at an 18-year low and generating the fastest increase in worker pay since the end of the Great Recession. Economists polled by MarketWatch had forecast a 200,000 increase in new nonfarm jobs. The unemployment rate, meanwhile, was unchanged at 3.9%, the Labor Department said Friday.
The increase in hiring in August was another solid gain that reflects broad strength in an economy that accelerated in the spring and showed little sign of slowing down toward the end of summer. The biggest news in the August employment report was a sharp increase in pay. The average wage paid to American workers rose by 10 cents to $27.16 an hour. What’s more, the yearly rate of pay increases climbed to 2.9% from 2.7%, marking the highest level since June 2009.
WASHINGTON? Returning to his bellicose trade rhetoric, U.S. President Donald Trump warned Friday that he would cause the “ruination” of Canada if he imposed tariffs on Canadian-made cars. Trump issued the threat during another day of North American Free Trade Agreement negotiations that did not produce a deal between the U.S. and Canada. Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland continued to describe the talks as constructive but provided no details. “I don’t want to do anything bad to Canada. I can ? all I have to do is tax their cars, it would be devastating. If I tax cars coming in from Canada, it would be devastating,” New York Times Trump Administration Discussed Coup Plans With Rebel Venezuelan Officers ? The Trump administration held secret meetings with rebellious military officers from Venezuela over the last year to discuss their plans to overthrow President Nicolas Maduro, according to American officials トランプ政権は昨年、ベネズエラ軍部の反マデュロ勢力と秘密会議を持ち、大統領を 追い落とすクーデターを相談していた。これは、米国側の政府高官による情報。
アップルは、第3弾の追加関税の対象品目に、腕時計型端末「アップルウオッチ」や人工 知能(AI)を備えたスピーカー「ホームポッド」などが含まれるとして、米政府に対し、 中国への追加関税の発動を再考するように求めていた。(共同) ------------------------------------------------------------- Donald J. Trump認証済みアカウント @realDonaldTrump 4 時間4 時 Apple prices may increase because of the massive Tariffs we may be imposing on China - but there is an easy solution where there would be ZERO tax, and indeed a tax incentive. Make your products in the United States instead of China. Start building new plants now. Exciting! #MAGA
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 43 分43 分前 Sweden set for deadlock, according to exit polls Sweden Vote Leaves No Clear Majority, Polls Show Wall Street Journal-45 minutes ago STOCKHOLM?Voters in Sweden left their country without a clear ruling majority on Sunday after a general election that also gave a once fringe anti-immigration party its best score to date, according to early exit polls.
A new filing by federal prosecutors just revealed that suspected Russian spy Maria Butina has offered information to authorities about the illegal activities of her co- conspirator, a man with whom she is romantically involved. Paul Erickson is a long-time Republican political operative, and he entered a romantic relationship with Butina after meeting her at an October 2013 could conference for her gun lobby group “Right to Bear Arms” in Moscow. 共謀者というのは彼女と恋愛関係にあるとされる共和党の活動家のPaul Erickson (略) But last night’s filing just revealed that Maria Butina may be more interested in a rapid return home than keeping state secrets, and she might be ready turn in her American boyfriend Erickson. Butina faces up to 15 years incarceration if convicted on all charges. Read the complete court filing here: 彼女は15年の懲役刑を受ける可能性があるが昨夜、裁判所の示した文書によれば、 司法取引で情報提供の代償を得てより早くロシアに帰れるかもしれない。其の文書 は以下のとおり(略)