拡張機能その一 -about:addons-memory 8 Adds an about:addons-memory page that details add-on memory usage -Addon List Dumper (restartless) 0.1 This extension adds a widget on the navigation bar. When this widget is pushed, a panel will show the addons list -Extension Defender 1.0.3 Protect Firefox with Extension Defender, scan your extensions for unwanted or malicious apps. -FEBE 8.0.4 Backup your Firefox data -Flagfox 5.0.4 サーバーの所在地を表す国旗を表示します -FlashGot Windows、Mac OS X、Linux、及び FreeBSD 用の有名な外部ダウンロードマネージャ(対応リストはアドオンのホームページ参照)を使うことができます。ギャラリー作成機能を使えば、分散したコンテンツを1ページにまとめて一気に "全部ダウンロード" できます -Greasemonkey 1.15 Firefox 用ユーザースクリプトマネージャー -Ghostery 5.3.1 プライバシーの保護: Ghostery を使って、誰があなたのウェブ閲覧をトラッキングしているかを確認しましょう。 -Copy Extensions to Clipboard 4.0 Kopiert eine Auflistung aller installierten Add-ons mit einem Klick in die Zwischenablage. -LastPass 3.1.1 Last Password you will ever need
拡張機能その二 -Memory Restart 1.18 Gives you a quick way to restart if memory usage is too high. -NoScript Firefoxをさらに安全にします: NoScriptはJavaScript, Java(およびその他のプラグイン)を、 (あなたが使うオンラインバンキングサイトなど)あなたが選んだ信頼できるサイトでのみ実行可能にします。 このホワイトリストによる予防的ブロック手法によって、機能性を減じることなく -OmniSidebar 1.4.7 Bring your bookmarks into view with just a gesture. Move the sidebar across the screen. Open a different sidebar by just clicking its title. And more! Keeps your sidebar simple and quick to access! -Organize Status Bar (Revived) 0.1.0 Organize your status bar icons. -Priv3 0.2 Priv3 protects you from being tracked by social networks. -S3.Google Translator 2.17 さまざまな言語のテキスト、単語およびWeb サイトのページ全体をさまざまな言語に翻訳します。 -SearchLoad Options 0.8.0 検索バーの機能を調整。 -Stylish 1.4.3 Stylish は Web の見た目をカスタマイズすることができるユーザースタイルのマネージャです。 -The Addon Bar (restored) 3.2 Gives you a place to put all your addon buttons without over-crowding the navigation bar. Adds back the addon bar which is removed in the new Australis theme. -userChromeJS 1.5 Chrome customization when an extension is excessive. -What about:.. 4.1.1 Alle about-Befehle auf einen Blick
ユーザースタイル -Australis menu List view パネルUIボタンをリストにする -Brighter background tabs - Australis - Firefox 29 バックグラウンドタブに輪郭とフォグを付加 -Colorize Firefox Buttons アイコンをカラフルに! -Defog Australis Tabs タブバーのフォグを消す -Fancy Numbered Tabs タブに番号を付ける -Firefox Small Icons アイコンを小さくしてナビゲーションバーを細くする -Panorama / Tab Groups - Australis タブグループをパノラマにする -Tab Bar Buttons Elements タブ一覧にタブ数を表示する
ユーザースクリプト -Google Tracking-B-Gone 2.2.1 Strips click tracking from Google search results -Table View Plus 4.3.0 Enhancement suite for the Userstyles.org site
2chブラウザで開く Add Bookmark Here 2 Add to Search Bar All-in-One Sidebar AutoCopy 2 Bookmark Favicon Changer Bookmarks menu Calilay Clear Fields Clearly Configuration Mania Context Font Context Search Copy Plain Text 2 Download Status Bar Evernote Web Clipper EverSync - Sync bookmarks, backup your favorites. Favicon Restorer FEBE Flagfox Flash Gestures Ghostery Gmail Notifier (restartless) History Submenus U Image Zoom IME and DiMENSiON IME自動無効 (Auto Disable IME) Insite Search (続く)
(続き) keyconfig LastPass Lingoes Text Capture Plug-in Link Alert list.it Magic Actions for YouTube? Menu Wizard More Tools Menu Navigate Up NoScript NoSquint Open With OPIE Pearl Crescent Page Saver Basic Personas Expression Personas Plus Pocket ProfileSwitcher Pushbullet Quick Translator Redirect Bypasser ReminderFox Restartless Restart RSS Handler for Feedly RSS Icon in url bar ScrapBook Scriptish Search Engine Security SearchWP (続く)
[Extensions] Adblock Plus 2.6.9 Ads were yesterday! chaika 1.7.3 Dedicated browser for 2ch.net (the most popular textboard in Japan) DOM Inspector 2.0.15 Inspects the structure and properties of a window and its contents. Feed Sidebar 8.0.4 Displays the items from your Live Bookmarks in a sidebar. FoxAge2ch 3.3.12 2ch BBS Update Checker Greasemonkey 3.1 A User Script Manager for Firefox SearchWP 2.7.1 Buttons for the search box with terms highlighting userChromeJS 1.7 Chrome customization when an extension is excessive.
[Plugins] Microsoft Office 2013 15.0.4514.1000 (deaktiviert) Shockwave Flash (deaktiviert)
RefControl/リファラー制御 Safe for Amoled/白いバックで目が痛くなるサイトとかでグレー表示にしてくれる Save File to/コンテキストメニューから指定フォルダにファイル保存 ScrapBook X/丸ごとページ保存 Site to Panel/別ページをツールバーにモバイル形式で表示。動画見ながら同時に別サイト見たりできる SPDY indicator/閲覧中のサイトがHTTP/2、またはSPDY通信をしているかをアイコン表示 StartPage Site Search/サイト内検索をStartPageという検索エンジンで検索 Stylish/webページのカスタマイズ Vacuum Places Improved/火狐のデフラグみたいなものを指定間隔でやってくれる Video DownloadHelper/動画ダウンローダー weblioPane/英語翻訳や辞書サイトのウェブリオの拡張ツール YouTube Enhancer Plus/YouTubeのカスタマイズ。広告カットとか外見変更とか色々
Adblock Edge Adblock Plus Pop-up Addon Auto-Sort Bookmarks 2.7.1-signed Biscuit Bookmarks Checker CacheViewer Configuration Mania 1.21.2015060101 Download Status Bar eCleaner 1.4.1-signed Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus FireGestures Form History Control Googlebar Lite GPU Accelerated Flash Player 1.34 Greasemonkey 3.2 History Deleter 2.4.3 IME and DiMENSiON Linkification Redirect Bypasser 1.7.1-signed RequestPolicy 1.0.beta9.3 Roomy Bookmarks Toolbar Saved Password Editor 2.9.1-signed Sidebar Auto Show/Hide 0.10.1-signed Tab Mix Plus Video DownloadHelper YesScript 2.1.1-signed
Autoclose Bookmark&History Folders Dark YouTube Theme Easy DragToGo+ FireGestures FoxClocks Gmail? Notifier Plus Google? Translator Hide Unwanted Results of Google Search KeySnail Kill Panel Animations Light Switch Mozilla Labs: Prospector - LessChrome HD New Tab Override (browser.newtab.url replacement for Fx 41+) Omnibar PDF Viewer Places Maintenance Sidebar Auto Show/Hide Sidebars List Tab Counter uBlock Origin uMatrix userChromeJS YouTube High Definition 艦これタイマー#2
[Extension] about:addons-memory 10.1-signed ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Add to Search Bar 2.9 ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Add-ons Manager Context Menu (amcontextmenu@loucypher) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Addon List Dumper (restartless) 0.2.1-signed (addonListDumper@jetpack) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] All-in-One Sidebar 0.7.28 ({097d3191-e6fa-4728-9826-b533d755359d}) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Amazon Price Tracker - Keepa.com 2.29 ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Ank Pixiv Tool 2.1.3 ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] anonymoX 2.5.2 ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] AppLauncher ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] AutoPagerize (jid0-tKjnEA5X3eBoP5HnqjBYQ4U3AcM@jetpack) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] BarTab Lite X 1.8 ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Bookmarks Checker - check for bad links ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] CacheIt! ({98449521-9320-4257-aa35-9e1a39c8cbe0}) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] CacheViewer ({71328583-3CA7-4809-B4BA-570A85818FBB}) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Classic Theme Restorer 1.4.8 (ClassicThemeRestorer@ArisT2Noia4dev) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Clear Text Fields ({b7a583a0-519b-11db-b0de-0800200c9a66}) [installed in the current profile directory]
[Extension] CoLT 2.6.7 ({e6c4c3ef-3d4d-42d6-8283-8da73c53a283}) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Configuration Mania 1.23.2015123102 ({c4d362ec-1cff-4ca0-9031-99a8fad7995a}) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Context Search X ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Copy Extensions to Clipboard 4.0.1-signed (jid1-yaYZ8QXoULbGtw@jetpack) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Disconnect ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Double Click Closes Tab 0.27.1-signed ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] DownThemAll! ({DDC359D1-844A-42a7-9AA1-88A850A938A8}) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] DownThemAll! AntiContainer 1.4 ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] eCleaner 1.4.1-signed.1-let-fixed ({c72c0c73-4eb0-4fb3-af0f-074e97326cfd}) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] ExHentai Easy 2 (jid1-7NbXi2AqS1oUFw@jetpack) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] FEBE 8.8.2 ({4BBDD651-70CF-4821-84F8-2B918CF89CA3}) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] FindList 1.7.1-signed ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Flagfox 5.1.8 ({1018e4d6-728f-4b20-ad56-37578a4de76b}) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Flash Control 2.1.4 (jid1-sNL73VCI4UB0Fw@jetpack) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] GMarks ({A64F9D1E-FA5E-11DA-A187-6B94C2ED2B83}) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Google Translator for Firefox ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Greasefire2 2.1.1 ([email protected])
[Extension] Greasy Scripts 1.0.8 (greasyscripts@ede123) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] IE Tab 2 (FF 3.6+) ({1BC9BA34-1EED-42ca-A505-6D2F1A935BBB}) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] iMacros for Firefox 8.9.6 ({81BF1D23-5F17-408D-AC6B-BD6DF7CAF670}) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] IYH Launcher ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] LastPass 3.2.42 ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Lazarus: Form Recovery 2.3.1-signed ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Load Tabs Progressively Fixed 1.3 ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Low Quality Flash 0.2.1-signed ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Menu Wizard 4.04 (s3menu@wizard) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Open With 6.5.2 ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] ProxTube - Unblock YouTube 2.1.0 ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] S3.Google Translator 5.18 (s3google@translator) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] ScrapBook ({53A03D43-5363-4669-8190-99061B2DEBA5}) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Selected Search 0.4.160106 ({a3b1e8b3-ba2c-4280-9768-198db1817b5d}) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Self-Destructing Cookies 0.4.9 (jid0-9XfBwUWnvPx4wWsfBWMCm4Jj69E@jetpack) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] SQLite Manager ([email protected]) [installed in the current profile directory] [Extension] Super Start
48 e10s有効で動作しているヤツ Context Search X Decentraleyes Distill Web Monitor FlashGot Greasemonkey gtranslate Image Search Options Imagus KeySnail No Resource URI Leak NoRedirect Random Agent Spoofer Save Image in Folder ScrapBook uBlock Origin uMatrix