What is AKB? The Truth Will Shock You...or Make You Buy CDs
It is the continuation of the movement to sexualize underage girls and call it "kawaii."
http://wanderlust-japan.com/akb-truth-will-shock-make-buy-cds/ https://archive.today/YgY5K New Law Criminalizes Child Pornography in Japan: Part 2
The junior idol genre is part of a larger culture that sexualizes underage girls, including celebrities
such as pop group AKB48. Members as young as 13 often engage in suggestive behavior in their videos and
commercial appearances, and their song lyrics contain some sexually provocative content.
http://www.cybercrimelawyerblog.com/2014/06/new_law_criminalizes_child_por_1.html https://archive.today/LK2Xq Japan's Kiddie Porn Empire: Bye-Bye?
To some degree, the sexualization of young girls is mainstream in Japan. For example, Japan's most
popular and mega-profitable all-female pop group AKB48 includes members as young as 13; and they've
posed for ++sexy & semi-nude layouts in Japan's Weekly Playboy several times.
The general producer of AKB48, Yasushi Akimoto is a board member of The Tokyo Organizing Committee for
the 2020 Olympics (sometimes called the Yakuza Olympmics). There has been some criticism of his
selection for the committee.
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/06/03/japan-s-kiddie-porn-empire-bye-bye.html https://archive.today/sGpGA Sexualized Child Images on Japan Commerce Sites Prompt a Crusade
http://washpost.bloomberg.com/Story?docId=1376-NE8LIK6K50XY01-2A8HIT31FKSN6MAR151A71FUDN https://archive.today/YLdYY AKB48: A Microcosm Of Dark Corporate Japan. Sexual exploitation of child labor is sooo cute.
http://www.japansubculture.com/akb48-a-microcosm-of-dark-corporate-japan-child-labor-is-so-cute-book-review/ https://archive.today/VkvSx