1Anonymous2019/11/03(Sun) 05:42:50.90
Krajnij rubezh vostochnogo slavjanstva.
2Anonymous2019/11/03(Sun) 14:56:54.54
What language?
3Anonymous2019/11/04(Mon) 08:29:00.13
It would be more recognizable if I knew how to type cyrillic here. 4Anonymous2019/12/03(Tue) 08:28:51.84
Oh! I'm the only Russian who has entered Japanese 4ch-5ch.net ?
5Anonymous2020/02/18(Tue) 03:59:37.77
Никак нет!
I've tried to find a japanese board with some sort of international board there. And I've found this very board which seems to be almost dead.
I'm dissapointed. 6Anonymous2020/02/19(Wed) 19:05:35.28
I'm not Russian, but it seems like this board didn't have enough good people to talk with here and probably still will