>>15 I am working on the memories server now. Please post your change requests to the Setting change thread. http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1347285863/ I am sure they can help you out. If you don't get help. Let me know, when I am done with my work I will help too.
>>19 Hi, Jim-san, some ex-engawa users are waiting to get then-live threads resided in engawa server before starting new threads on maguro server.
As you said that you are working on "memory server". Are you going to transfer live threads dat files that were on engawa server to maguro server? Or, live dat files could not be salvaged and has to start brand new on engawa server?
>>21 When the engawa server crashed, nothing was saved except the datfiles which were in a folder on a different drive. So we rebuilt the system a bit. You should be able to see your missing dat files now. http://engawa.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1393075456/ I can see this one. Can you?
>>23 Tom is still trying to recover files. As of now the only files recovered are from the /hd partition. If the /md partition is recovered. I will make certain they are posted again.
So, we are all tired. The files we have been able to retrieve are accessble. Sorry if there is not more, but if Tom is able to recover more, we will put them up right away. It is a real shame, that the current dats are not recovered. By the way, you should be able to access just about any old dat
The person who does unapproved reproduction is also in 2ch. Can 2ch respond to that? I think that 2ch will receive an antipathy from others in the place which asserted unapproved Copyright reserved supposing it cannot do. There are also people and the company which unapproved reproduction was done and were indignant at 2ch in the past. The advertisement of 2ch may be erased depending on the case. An unapproved reproduction report is also in a log in the past. I will think that 2ch is "pirates" for the original copyright holder of the report by which unapproved reproduction was carried out at 2ch.
>>33 Hi, Jim-san. We appreciate you and the staffs. I especially hope that ongoing threads which are under 1000res could be appeared in the "maguro" as same as "engawa". Hope good news from Tom-san. Sincerely.
Good morning The recent dats on the old engawa server are being turned into a tarball now. I will explode that tarball on the maguro server when it is done. The old SETTING.TXT etc are there as well. When that is complete a reindex will be required. This will probably overwrite any settings that were made yesterday on the SUBJECT.TXT, but we will have the missing data.
>>44 Some data might be overwritten. I am going to explode the tarball now. I am sure the subject.txt will be all messed up. We can overcome that if we work together.
Thank you, Jim-san and the staff! Old data in Engawa, at least I used, is now OK both reading and writing! Thank you once again for all you and your staff efforts.
>>53 There may still be other problems. We will tackle them one at a time as they arise.
>>52 A lot of anonymous people helped too. Thank you to them. Tom and Codemonkey did most of the work. I just did the cucumber dance. https://soundcloud.com/xerxesw1/cucumba
958 名前:Grape Ape ★ :2014/02/23(日) 17:07:09.28 ID:???0 ID抽出 Live Jupiter, News4 VIP I am ok with change, but I want to wait until sometime next week. We are currently working on other problems that are a higher priority. I think it is good for you to discuss more. Name change for anonymous posts on news4vip approved. Live Jupiter, would you please discuss it more? Local rule change is more serious, and I don't want to cause depopulation.
>>56 If I do that with my current pc. The text will be messed up with UTF-8. Would you be so kind as to post it on the change thread? There is a tool to do that. I don't know how to use that tool.
Please confirm if this is correct or not. I dont have the SETTING.TXT, head.txt, or 1000.txt for this board. If anybody has those files, please share it with me.
>>55 Hi, Jim-san. I am >>38. What a happy Sunday you and all the staffs gave us ! I have just found that our threads appears as well. So happy now. Only problem of mine is that my browser Katjusha cannot read those, but, someone wrote how to improve it in Katjusha thread. I will try it hard. Anyway thank you again. with my sincere hug to all members. wink
>>80です。>>83>84の、かちゅ〜しゃ解決しました。My Katjsha problem was solved. 自分だけに起きた問題だったようです。 It is likely personal one. 原因はよく分かりませんが結果OKです。お騒がせしました。 Apology for my noise.
Jim-san Do you remember the request from "ハード・業界"(=game consoles) board to change the default-name? If you don't, please see this(↓) thread below. We voted and agreed to change the default-name to "名無しさん転載禁止@LR変更議論中".
"2ch". It has without permission of the article, here is also infringement of portrait rights further. It has been done in the majority of "plate News" them. Leakage of personal information and notice murder takes place on the "live board".
What do you think of this lawless area? You despite to prohibit the reproduction actively, the most serious problem are you left?
Could you change the default subject of News4vip from "以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします" into "以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします@ローカルルール変更議論中"? It seems to be mistaken by many people that the local rule has already changed. Current subject can mislead them that reprinting prohibition is also included in it. This mistake can cause reduction of people who participate in discussion of local rule change. Therefore, the default subject needs to be changed for that more people are able to take part in the discussion.
>>163 一部の人は住民の利便性減少による過疎化も省みずに 非営利目的の利用も禁止させようとしていますね Some people want to prohibit also non-commercial use. They don't consider that it could cause depopulation.
>>167 住民の一部は自身で使うためにノンアフィリエイトまとめやウィキを必要としているので 非営利利用も禁止することは必ずしも2chの利益には貢献しないだろう Some inhabitant need non affiliate matome and Wiki site for their own use. So, prohibiting non-commercial use would not always contribute to increase of 2ch's profit.
The wiki is a hot topic. It seems people are using rental wikis a lot. Codemonkey been discussing making wiki.2ch.net Lots of different ideas have popped up. Including finding the big wiki site people are already using, then asking them to maintain the wiki on a 2ch server. This would give it some legitimacy. So wiki is under discussion.
Jim-san, would you change default name in ghard to prepare our local-rule vote?>>157 We once discussed about 転載禁止 in 2011, however, all our changing-requests were refused by a former management member.
>>176 I see Tonight after I finish my yoga class. I will update those that have voted and posted here. Please post the old name field then the new name field. Please don't get upset if I make an error. I noticed some people got all bent out of shape with a simple formatting error I made last night. I had already explained that I was having a charset problem. orz
Hello,Jim-san, I'm runnning a website. Its contents is like "trends" in twitter, and uses words in thread-titles and responses in some boards in 2ch include livejupiter. Can I use these information after this? Do I have to post link of the site here? I'm sorry at bad English.
It is a serious question Recently, there is a summary of blog that reprinted the past log I think better to ban in the past also log is good plate All rights reserved.
>>181 If news plate is made into Copyright reserved, the difference from KENMO plate will be lost. The justification for existence of these two plate is lost. Because the board made in order to add the rule which makes news plate Copyright reserved is KENMO plate. Therefore, this vote is meaningless and invalid. The notice of vote is not performed at all by news plate. What its vote was cast for is KENMO people.
There is a serious troll, called Ronpa, who makes and keeps more about 80 threads in akb board. Someone has been asked to delete those like this, http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/saku/1369948423/543-545 but no★ is working for delete. The troll is not only occupying 80/750threads of abk boards, suffering its server by writing 500 res /day by himself, and cause 10 times of his res from others intend to keep other threads. Almost all of users in the board ask you to prohibit his provider, not only delete those threads.
To jim-san Sometimes turn off a name column, and there is a "reputation person to reprint in the net", is it good? and Recently, there is a summary of blog that reprinted the past log I think better to ban in the past also log is good plate All rights reserved.
>>265 The concept of Fair Use is hard to explain. If someone is not taking advantage, then probably it is Fair Use. If anyone uses something that is not theirs, it is their responsibility to defend their actions. It is not our responsibility to define it. That is Unfair and an argument only used by those that fully intend to take advantage of a situation.
>>259 He seems to be having conversations with himself. He must be a crazy person. I think he is using too many threads, but I also dont think he is a spammer. I don't think its a good idea to ban his IP. Deleting some of his extraneous posts is a good idea. Are you interested in working as a deleter?
>>282 I am happy to help you. But do I need formal fixed mail address ? Currently I have only yahoo mail and gmail. Also, I can write and speak English, but my IT skills is poor. If you still can accapt me, how can I contact you?
>>241 I have already installed Rokka on 2ch. Can you verify that it is working? If it is not working, then tell me which error it gives you. I will debug it.
>>276 Seriously? Do you think fanatic affinia haters of Poverty have priority over all users of the other boards? Actually, affinia are disliked. Likewise, affinia haters are hated. We need more discussion. I think rapid changes cause drastic depopulation.
Please add "do not talk about baseball"(in japanese "野球実況禁止") to live jupiter's LR. There's livebase board to talk about baseball, in 2ch. But they talk about baseball in live jupiter. They are aggressors. Live jupiter is a place which originally talks about animation.
I was your reply to Mr. CodeMonkey. Thanks for the invite. But I'm sorry, I will work as a volunteer anonymous only. Thank you for your trust in me. I hope that 2ch is me then as it is.
>>327 Thank you for your confirming that. I also understand つきみ@変更人 ★-san appeared in the thread. Certainly, it seems that board may be poison for you :-).
Voter fraud by KENMO people is taking place polling stations of all board of 2ch. Without the notice of the vote. Immediate vote is carried out without discussion. Vote of the residents of the plate has not been performed.
>>336 22 名前:xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/03(月) 21:09:43.36 ID:??? >>18 Your argument was argued by top statesmen. It was lost in 1965 with the Voting Rights Act. We won't have literacy tests, or any other Jim Crow laws here. Do you think any election is fair? Those the advertise, knock on doors, argue for their point and make noise usually win. That is real democracy. Democracy is mob rule.
> Those the advertise, knock on doors, > argue for their point and make noise usually > win. That is real democracy. Democracy > is mob rule. ドアを叩いてしつこくけたたましく自己の主張を押し通すって、 それ創価学会じゃね。 確かに嫌儲のレッテル貼りとか動員とか、まさしく手口が創価学会だな。
"2ch". It has without permission of the article, here is also infringement of portrait rights further. It has been done in the majority of "plate News" them. Leakage of personal information and notice murder takes place on the "live board".
What do you think of this lawless area?
In order to reduce criminal activity, I will ask the display of the IP address forced all of 2ch.
Dear Jim-san, Did the previous managers of 2ch recieve some money from blogers of non official historical 2ch sites? If so, do you have evidence of above? I'm wondering why previous managers of 2ch were accepted to use historical data of 2ch on bloger sites.
In news4VIP, We decided that add "転載禁止" to Local Rule. The result of votes are these. @At first, we add "転載禁止" to Local Rule. Next, we discuss more details. AAt first, We discuss more details. Next we add that to Local Rule.
Discussion of reprinting is performed in many places now. But it is not a discussion, and same persons just screaming 'No reprint!'. Vote will depend on the organized vote. There are not Popular will. I think you should ignore the results.
Discussion was a principle for self-government on 2ch boards. Vote was only a reference. When users wont change LR or settings, 設定人/変更人 read/checked discussion logs what are often gigantic, sometimes asked the manager or similar present. They knows many rules and past cases and have patience for the work and more. A change of LR/名無し about 転載禁止 has only little problems, but some other chanege has fatal problems on the boards.
So I don't hope that Jim-san change anything by vote. It can breaks the culture and self-government on 2ch or 2ch boards. Although I understand Jim-san can cahange anything here. 設定人/変更人 understandings this theme more. Links on >>147 would be references. Sorry for long writing. ----- 2chの板の自治では議論が原則。投票はただの参考だった。 LRや設定の変更の際には、設定人/変更人が議論の(時には膨大な)ログを読み、審査していた。時には、管理人や近い人に質問したり。 彼らは多くの規則や過去の判例の知識や議論ログを読む忍耐力がある。 転載禁止に関するLRや名無しの変更は少しくらいしか問題はないが、他の変更は板に致命的な問題を起こすものもある。
>>451 22 xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/03/03(月) 21:09:43.36 ID:??? >>18 Your argument was argued by top statesmen. It was lost in 1965 with the Voting Rights Act. We won't have literacy tests, or any other Jim Crow laws here. Do you think any election is fair? Those the advertise, knock on doors, argue for their point and make noise usually win. That is real democracy. Democracy is mob rule.
"2ch". It has without permission of the article, here is also infringement of portrait rights further. It has been done in the majority of "News board" them. Leakage of personal information and notice murder takes place on the "live board".
What do you think of this lawless area?
In order to reduce criminal activity, I will ask the display of the IP address forced all of 2ch. I want you to answer a very important question.
I don't really see the point in doing all of these separate affiliate votes.?? With the large anti-affiliate boards vote brigading,?? all of the votes on smaller boards will clearly have the same result.??
Wouldn't just having Jim-san decide for the whole 2ch be a better idea? Or maybe just have a single vote for the whole 2ch.
>>447 I'm sorry. I wote the gist and question. > Discussion was a principle for self-government on 2ch boards. Vote was only a reference. Now, I see this principle is lost. How does Jim-san think about received on this thread and regarding vote as a principle of judge? Will Jim-san change? For example, using volunteer (設定人/変更人) on Links on >>147
>>467 We receive take down requests everyday by post. We have always complied. 2ch is not moderated. It is the nature of the thing. No different from yahoo or facebook receiving the same type of takedown request.
For example, as did vote "give a player's name in the name field", do you run it you were a majority? And I want try to leave in the name field in the "! Nenpou" in the name field
>>478 22 :xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2014/03/03(月) 21:09:43.36 ID:??? >>18 Your argument was argued by top statesmen. It was lost in 1965 with the Voting Rights Act. We won't have literacy tests, or any other Jim Crow laws here. Do you think any election is fair? Those the advertise, knock on doors, argue for their point and make noise usually win. That is real democracy. Democracy is mob rule.
22 xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/03/03(月) 21:09:43.36 ID:??? >>18 Your argument was argued by top statesmen. It was lost in 1965 with the Voting Rights Act. We won't have literacy tests, or any other Jim Crow laws here. Do you think any election is fair? Those the advertise, knock on doors, argue for their point and make noise usually win. That is real democracy. Democracy is mob rule.
Mr.Jim Now vote is held for chaging morningcoffee's column of name, but I have a question whether column of name which is showed will be "'some words'@転載禁止" after changing if we fill in a column with some words. (By the way votes for changing "fusianasan@転載禁止" are majority so far.)
Is it possible? And even if it is possible, should we decide the matter by another vote?
jim-san Pirate was angry with all rights reserved. "Game industry, hardware @ 2ch board" They are asking the display of the IP address in order to expel a person from. That's dangerous. Advertising revenue will be reduced will not have people.
jim-san pirate asked the force display of IP address in "game industry, hardware @ 2ch board". Pirate was angry with all rights reserved. They are trying to force display of the IP address expel out the people in "game industry, hardware @ 2ch board". That's dangerous. People will be less by it Show to force the IP address. Pirates are trying to depopulation the 2ch. It is intended to smash the 2ch. They are to act for the reduction of advertising revenue of 2ch.
It is about the ballot results of an underground idol board. They are lifting vote unjustly using the engineering battalion of other boards (VIP and nanJ J).
May I allow such a fixed race? The AKB member of active service is also perusing in the AKB conclusion site, and it is a very useful site.
Since there are also many negative votes, please do not make it Copyright reserved immediately.
166 xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/03/04(火) 01:14:32.28 ID:??? >>151 When all the fires are put out. The top page will also say All Rights Reserved.
166 名前:xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/04(火) 01:14:32.28 ID:??? >>151 When all the fires are put out. The top page will also say All Rights Reserved.
398 :xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2014/03/04(火) 14:52:02.33 ID:??? >>380 You bring up some valid points. Even if they vote for it, we won't be displaying IPs there. If you want IP display, I have seen some boards that have that rule. Please tell them to go to Siberia.
This is a political compromise with John Kelly and Caroline Kennedy. In other words, it's a political appointee. So, former Jim-san had left and the newly-appointed has come.
Hi,Jim. It IS the first time for me to post a message on both this ITA and any BBSs in English,So sorry for my poor English.
I have a little question about your FREE LOGS EMBED WITH ADS system, although I don't know much about the circumstances and what's all about.
From my superficial knowledge, the system reminds me of that of ancient newspaper companies' site. A long ago(I don't remember how long),EVERY newspaper company publishes its every articles(including old ones) on the Internet for free with tremendous ads. Internet advertising agencies had strongly convinced them of FREE article's bright future for management and freedom of speech, like "Free articles induce readers' curiosity for society issues that leading to increasing of pay-for-news subscribers, and incomes from ads itself make a profit".
So the bright future has come? No, the think tanks and newspaper companies themselves estimated that FREE ARTICLES EMBED WITH ADS lead to decreasing of subscribers and little incomes from ads, even not enough for running their servers, not company, and end up with massive deficit.
Nowadays, due to its failure, newspaper companies adopt each commercing method on the internet. Japanese Asahi Shinbun(huge subscribers and a lille say to the world) adopts a fee on their articles, and like the NYT and the Economist, having a few subscribers and have a strong say, adopts free recent articles with ads and a fee on their old ones, just like MARU system.
Long murmuring...so, frankly speaking, I don't think it's able to manage this huge 2ch with FREE LOGS EMBED WITH ADS system, because of the past examples of similar method in failure. However, I just know little about economics, and have no idea about management. I'm not even convinced of this analogy is right or not.
So please tell us, people concerning about 2ch here, about "Could FREE LOGS EMBED WITH ADS system really pay the cost of running and managing 2ch enough?" and "will the 2ch, freedom of speech, last?"
402 名前:xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2014/02/23(日) 15:00:37.64 ID:??? >>401 Most of these sites don't even link back. The people that only read them never get an opportunity to meet our community. Most of them are SEO to fill the search engines with trash. Created by scripts, running keyword algorithms. Am I mistaken?
too much strict rule (like ninja) on 2ch. many poeple wanted to write 2ch but they couldnt so that many user uses MATOME blogs. i agree with 転載禁止 for ログ速 or etc but not MATOME blogs. if they can write on 2ch, then they will come back to 2ch.
if many MATOME blog user quit blogging things from 2ch, many lite MATOME blog readers wont come to 2ch and never.
people read MATOME blogs because its not so long and easy to read. if not then they wont come to 2ch. in other words, many MATOME blog readers will come if they wanted to enter and participate 2ch communities. and they will became real 2ch users. with out MATOME blogs, probably 2ch user will reduce its numbers.
■投票方法詳細 ・IP、!nanja開示(名前欄にfusianasan !nanja記入) ・同一IP・IDの投票は全て無効です (意図せぬ投票の場合、申し出により一回のみ変更可能) ・ニュー速(嫌儲)に!nanjaがある票は無効です ↑This senntence is mean that I want to disable the votes of KENMOU.
嫌儲 peoples are making vote thread without consent of real board peoples. They do not notify with enough length to vote, and voting starts, which does not pass even for 24 hours from thread for argument is making.
Usually argues must be required a week or more. So I want you to ask for the indication of a period about which it argued to those who show you a result. As a result, it is made to want an argument period to accept the ballot results which are not fully taken.
Various people are troubled by their action. Please fulfill this wish.
You are induced to lose customers as. You would be left with only loss. User does not want change. I can buy a lot of IP. And do not indicate the user's intention by the number of IP.
Jim san Why you dicede 2ch log "All Rights Reserved" clearly? Formality vote makes me sick. And poverty BBS peopke's 嫌儲民 activity is childish. They say they fokkow Jim's deciion. Don't yor shuft the reponsubility to poverty BBS peopke? I7m sorry my poor Engish .
>>708 166 名前:xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/04(火) 01:14:32.28 ID:??? >>151 When all the fires are put out. The top page will also say All Rights Reserved.
嫌儲 peoples are making vote thread without consent of real board peoples. They do not notify with enough length to vote, and voting starts, which does not pass even for 24 hours from thread for argument is making.
Usually, at least we have spent a week or so discussing what we would do before voting. So I want you to ask for the indication of a period about which it argued to those who show you a result. As a result, it is made to want an argument period to accept the ballot results which are not fully taken.
Various people are troubled by their action. Please fulfill this wish.
>>301 Rokka still doesn't work on 2ch to the full. Please try getting the following thread with Rokka. http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1393341729/ This thread has 1001 posts, but Rokka retrieves only 4 posts. Nothing has changed about Rokka on 2ch since September 2013.
Why you dicede 2ch log "All Rights Reserved" clearly? Formality vote makes me sick. And poverty BBS peopke's 嫌儲民 activity is childish. They say they follow Jim's deciion. Don't yor shift the responsibility to poverty BBS peopke? I7m sorry my poor Engish .
Jim-san If you'd like to grow visitor, you should make various improvements in the web design. This is because one reason for people visiting pirated web sites is the 2ch's poor web design.
4 名前:ロップイヤーφφφ ★[sage] 投稿日:2014/03/04(火) 22:06:34.18 ID:??? とりあえず、東亜でLR変更などは投票で決定ではなく、話し合いをして決定というのがいままでの慣習だったと思うので、 In TOA thread, LR changing etc... is not decided by vote but discussion.It is our tradition.
数時間で意見をなげあっただけというのは、議論不足であり、 We suggest our opinion only a few hours,so we need more discussion. そもそも、板の住人に十分な周知をしないでの投票に価値はない And most member of TOA thread don't know this vote. So this vote is NO VALUE.
板長としての意見。 I think this opinion, the reader of thread.
Dear Jim-san, I have a suggestion that you may be interested in: a way to earn money.
Almost all blogs stealing 2ch contents are earning money by using affiliate programs, such as amazon.co.jp and rakuten.co.jp. So I think you should also use those affiliate programs.
If you rewrite outbound links to those e-commerce sites posted by users and insert your affiliate ID, you will earn a lot of money without a doubt.
Not only that, your affiliate cookies will prevent bloggers from earning money because 2ch users readily use your affiliate links to support you.
In fact, 2chan.net, aka Futaba Channel, the largest image board in Japan, is using those affilate programs to run their website and users are buying goods via their links to support their home board.
So there is no reason that you shouldn't use those programs.
I heard that some large blogs are earning millions of yen in a month. Why don't you stop overlooking them and get back your rightful money?
>>658 No, they don't have permission to do that. Their webmaster sent me an email, and seems like nice enough guy, but he does not have permission to do that.
Jim-san If users of one borad don't express their will about reproduction prohibited, Do you classify that borad under reproduction prohibited borad? I'm sorry if somebody ask you about same question before now.
Hi, Jim-san. I am http://awabi.2ch.net/ogame/ user. We have discussed about "転載禁止" since February 23, and we voted "転載禁止". This is result. Please change our name.
Hi Sir.Jim. Now, We've just finished voting to change the contributors' name. We'd like you to change the name. In the Foreign soccer, We have discussed that change "名無しさん@実況・転載は禁止です" to the name, expending more than 800 res. Please take a look if you can.
Hi, Jim-san. I am http://anago.2ch.net/slotk/ user. We have discussed about "転載禁止" since March 3, and we voted "転載禁止". This is result. Please change our name.
The vote: 'ID lZp/NESo0' wrote at >>764, >>775, >792 , have been made in a manner that does not reflect the views of residents. Please dismiss the proposal.
>>818 This seems to be a healthy democracy. Lots of complaining opposition and people arguing their point. I am not changing things rapidly, although I seem to be urged to. Don't worry, things are going to be ok.
Shouldn't you just make an official affliation blog? Moreover, wouldn't it be better to get the affliation blogs that are already around under your system? If you keep going like this at this rate, I think 2ch is going to lose a lot of users.
Hi Jim san Please consider that the following; Today's vote is not well-known in TOA (news4plus) area. knowledge time to start a vote was only 20 minutes before in the outside of TOA (news4plus) area. It (vote ;ID lZp/NESo0' wrote at >>764, >>775, >792) does not reflect the views of residents of TOA (news4plus).
Hi Jim san Finally, I should say Which opinion can you belive? My opinion? or His opinion >>803 (Ass hole Bros), >>809 (Ass hole Bros.), >>812 (Hole of ass liar)
I am sorry to write my opinion many times. However, I should write the following to avoid your misunderstanding.
Today's vote is not well-known in TOA (news4plus) area. knowledge time to start a vote was only 20 minutes before in the outside of TOA (news4plus) area. It (vote ;ID:/d3RB7MN0' wrote at >>804, >>846) does not reflect the views of residents of TOA (news4plus).
Good Morning Jim-san Have you tried TANDUAY, Emperordol and BORACAY there? These drinks are very comon in the Philippines, right? I have tried one time, but I could not evacuate the bottle. Usually I had have a San Miguel Pilsen in the Philippines. Where in the Philippines do you live?
Anyway, Thank you for changing 国内サッカー板's default name. We are going to change the local rules of 国内サッカー板 after a discussing and voting also. I know you are so busy, take care yourself. GOD BLESS.
Hello jim. I'm from News+. im not good english speaker.
I feel unfair about vote for reproduction prohibited. Reproduction prohibited is no problem for me. but the term of announcement is not enough.
i think enough term of announcement : 1week, announcement thread alltime come top ranking (purpose make public ).
As matters now stand, many people from ニュー速(嫌儲) spearhead and intervene voting. look over other discussion board, looks like almost same situation. if you look in at ニュー速(嫌儲) board, you can observe the people who work out a plan of intervene operations
their answer is as follows Me : hey guys. Is [>>76] the man affiliate user? Mr.222 : yes. It is proper to recognize the man as affiliate side. He smells bad... Mr.225 : Of course. Kenmo-men(=them) cannot be such aggressive.
86 :xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ [] :2014/03/03(月) 23:18:45.61 ID:??? >>27 There is nobody stopping you from organizing another vote to change the name again.
Mr Jim 東アジアnews+ http://awabi.2ch.net/news4plus/ Jacked from 嫌儲 it is no rules nostoppable please help they without control change our local rules at this rate 東アジアmews+ disruption of a BBS