【解説陣の点出た直後から(7:11〜)のコメント】 117? She's what? Ah that's ridiculous. THAT IS Ridiculous. She can't believe it, we can't believe it, I can believe it. "That's horrible" 17... that is horrible. By 0.04 of the marks, she's wonderful, but really, that's the travesty of justice. That's the sport no favours.
She won it, as a twice world champion. That's the only reason she won it. Yes, that's a shame she's the second on the night. But how you can say that her performance is better than Mirai. "No" I have NO IDEA. Suzuki went to on free... but really... that's... that's bizarre... I considered the politest way of say Yes, the component score would have been good. She can't believe it. "No" after the performance either had. But she had won the competition. But I can't believe it either.
■有志による訳 117? 浅田が勝った?(She has won?)あー、おかしい(ridiculous)ね。 本当におかしいよ。 浅田も信じられないかもしれないが、私たちも信じられない。 私も信じられないよ。酷い(horrible)ね。酷いよ。 100点台にのった4人のうちのひとり(Four of the 100 winner?)になっただけでも、 浅田はすごかった。けど、本当に、これは法を捻じ曲げた茶番だね ( 採点のシステムが正義というシステム自体を侮辱することをやってしまった。 辞書ではtravesty of justice= an act of the legal system that is an insult to the system of justice.)。 これはスポーツであって、贔屓(を評価するもの)ではないんだ。 確かに浅田は勝った。2回のワールドチャンピオンとして。 2回のワールドチャンピオン(の実績)、それが今回浅田が勝った唯一の理由だ。